Monday, September 30, 2019
Argumentative Paper
American dollars into the Iraqi infrastructure. 1) Military and police force trained at the hands of American taxpayer dollars. (2) Facilities that have been built by American's and gone to waste. (3) Global understanding of foreign aid. (4) Iraq's capabilities of taking care of their own financial aid. (5)Statistics in regards to dollars spent on what projects to Iraq become a better nation. IV. America's public school system. A. Budget cuts to the educational budget. B. Classroom growth. C. Educational cut back programs. (1) City of Phoenix cut backs. 2) Educational Job market flooded with teachers and no positions available. 3) Interview with Kerry. Help V. American's need to tighten the purse strings and take care of the issues at home. Too Much Foreign Aid in America's Budget The act of charity is something that most people are raised on; if a person has been blessed with wealth, it is always good to help those less fortunate. However, there comes a time when too much is too muc h. The United States, among other countries, developed the practice of foreign aid after World War II.It was designed to help those countries in desperate need of temporary help when they could not manage on their own. Foreign aid is something that has been in effect over the last few decades and some say has been used to excess and argue the point that if our own country is in debt and suffering, how can there be so much money spent on foreign aid. Others say that we are prosperous and should help those that need it no matter what. Whichever side of the argument is brought up, there are certain facts that do not change.The United States has spent too much money taking care of other countries financial disasters despite the trouble within its own borders. The United States of America has long been considered one of the most remediable countries in the world leading the pack of economic growth, democracy, innovation and financial dominance. However, lately it seems that the United St ates is in as much financial strain as the other countries it helps regularly. American's are experiencing the pinch of billions in budget cuts on education programs, eliminating teaching positions and higher taxes to fund a war with Iraq.Even through all of these financial hardships, the United States still manages to give billions of dollars in financial aid despite the economic crisis of their own. A country that receives a large portion of American foreign aid is Haiti. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world and is one of the countries that recently, receives the most financial aid world wide. In mid-January of this year, Haiti experienced a devastating earthquake that destroyed most of the county. Hundreds of thousands of people were left without homes, clean drinking water or electricity, with debris and rubble making it unsafe territory.Bret Stephens, a Journalist for the DOD Jones & Company, uncovered news from the World Bank and exactly how much additional aid w as going to be allotted to Haiti for relief efforts. Stephens article states: The World Bank–now about to throw another $100 million on Haiti–on what it achieved in the country between 1986 and 2002: The outcome of World Bank assistance programs is rated unsatisfactory (if not highly so), the institutional development impact, negligible, and the sustainability of the few benefits that have accrued, unlikely.Stephens goes on to quote that the Bank noted, â€Å"Haiti has dysfunctional budgetary, financial or procurement systems, making financial and aid management impossible. The Bank makes the claim that the Haitian government does not take ownership and initiative for formulating and implementing assistance programs. A breakdown of foreign aid by country, provided by Guardian, a United Kingdom based awareness blob, shows a grand total of 3. 5 billion dollars already donated and another 1. 1 billion dollars pledged to help with this disaster (Guardian).America, leading as the highest donor, among other countries such as United Kingdom, Japan and Canada. Many countries making absolutely no contribution whatsoever during this time. American's are going broke and continue to keep giving. In fact, the United States has only been debt free for two years, 1834 and 1835, according to Marie Clammiest. Clammiest states in another article that, â€Å"†¦ The federal governments $14 trillion debt as an emergency that demands big cuts in domestic programs†¦ The majority of this debt is said to have come from the war in Iraq, heavily financed by borrowing from China to fund the war. Lira Logan reported, â€Å"The problem for America is that its greatness has always been rooted in its economic dominance and that debt has forced the U. S. To keep borrowing from foreign countries. †According to statistical ATA provided by the Bureau of the Public Debt , in 1991, the national debt for the United States was under $3 Trillion, even though a large amount, it was still within the realm of being paid off.However now in 2011, the debt recently went over the $14 trillion mark, a number that is in no way obtainable (Madame). Logan also quoted Aaron David Miller of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, saying, â€Å"Can the world's greatest power remain the world's greatest power and also be the world's greatest borrower? I don't think so. †Over the past four years fighting the war n Iraq, the United States has spent $500 billion dollars on Just the war alone (Skeletal).In addition to the funding of occupying this country, the United States has spent over $50 billion in reconstruction costs, that unfortunately, most say will be wasted dollars due to Iraq's incompetence and capabilities to utilize the reconstructions. As a country, the United States has invested hundreds of billions of dollars on equipment, buildings, infrastructure, electricity and water facilities in third world countries. In an article rec ently published by USA Today written by Matt Kelley, mints out that, â€Å"The United States has spent $44. Billion in taxpayer funds on rebuilding Iraq, about half of it to train, equip and support Iraq's military and police forces. †Kelley also quotes Rusty Barber, the head of the Iraq program United States Institute of Peace, â€Å"There has been some significant progress, but there's a long way to go before Iraq can really be a stable, secure country that's able to provide for its people's basic needs. †Iraq is a country that has undergone massive abuse over the past 10 plus years, with no end in sight, and has been rebuilt about ten times over.The amount of money that America has spent in rebuilding Iraq, by all means a country that has minimal interest in being rebuilt, is atrocious. American tax payer dollars are being spent to fund many projects in Iraq, such as schools, hospitals and prisons, instead of spending those same dollars on the same problems at hom e. According to Timothy Williams, many of these facilities have remained empty after completion because there were not enough Iraqis trained to operate them. Williams goes on to state that â€Å"†¦ 4 million maternity hospital built by the Americans is open, but the staff members cannot operate much of its equipment†¦.. Sinai Hospital in Baghdad, which had been the American military's largest medical center in the country, has been closed because the Health Ministry lacks the staff and equipment to reopen it, though the American military said it left $7. 9 million in equipment behind†¦ †He also states that there was a $165 million children's hospital that was delayed by more than four years and $115 million over budget (Williams). When a country is in desperate need of help, it is up to others to step up and give aid.When that aid is given, it is under the understanding that the money is going to e used to go towards the rebuild of the crisis. However, what ha ppens when the country receiving large portions of aid do not need that aid? For example, according to James Gland and Campbell Robertson's article in August of 2008, by the end of 2009, the Iraqi government ended up with a surplus of almost $80 million dollars. The article stated that, â€Å"The United States has spent $23. 2 billion in the critical areas of security, oil, electricity and water since the 2003 invasion, but from 2005 through April of 2008, Iraq has spend Just $3. Billion on similar services. †Another report room the Government Accountability Office estimates Iraqi oil revenue from 2005 through the end of this year [2008] will amount to at least $156 billion dollars. †So what this is stating is that the Iraqi government is not only holding their oil money in a United States bank collecting somewhere in the range of $400,000 in interest, but for some reason they are collecting foreign aid when they are capable of funding and fixing their own problems.Ca rl Levin, a chairman of the Senate Armed Services was quoted saying, â€Å"The Iraqi government now has tens of billions of dollars at its espousal to fund large-scale reconstruction projects. It is inexcusable for U. S. Taxpayers to continue to foot the bill for projects the Iraqis are fully capable of funding themselves We should not be paying for Iraqi projects, while Iraqi oil revenues continue to pile up in the bank. †Very well said and a statement many American citizens support full hardheartedly.However, we are still sending foreign aid to Iraq, building Iraqi schools, hospitals, prisons, and fortifying their country's security but it does not look like the money is going to stop going into Iraq. If the United States spends 165 million dollars on one hospital, one can only imagine the cost of rebuilding schools during war time; as well as imagine how many of those schools were destroyed intentionally and unintentionally during or after their construction because of sa id war. America's public school system drastically needs help and no one is coming up with any solutions but budget cuts.The American public school system is already the victim of systematic budget cuts are now getting ready for another huge blow to their financial status; one some say that is going to cripple our youth's outlooks on a better education. †Education Weekly reported that â€Å"the spending bill that President Barack Obama signed into law March 2 severed current fiscal-year funding for several literacy programs at the Education Department as a part of a government- wide reduction of $4 billion†(Rose). For an example, Arizona has taken hard drastic cuts recently.Classroom sizes have grown from 24 children per teacher to roughly 30 plus children per classroom. After school and during school education enhancement studies to help children who fall below the average or have special learning needs eve all but been eliminated. In previous years, children who may not have passed a subject were allowed the opportunity to attend intercession, a program during the school breaks where they attend class for a few hours a day over a two week time frame intended to get them back on track.Unfortunately, as of the 2009-2010 school year, Circle Cross Ranch, a local elementary in San Tan Valley Arizona, now requires parents pay $25 per class session if a child fails at any point in time the classes are mandatory. In Phoenix, they are experiencing even more of an unnecessary set back. The city as had a drastic decline in their hiring for the 2010-2011 school year. Roughly 7,400 public-school teaching positions have been eliminated across the state because of budget cuts proposed by the Legislature, according to Arizona Educators Association spokesman John Heartfelt (Quinn).With the amount of children that are still enrolling and moving into the Phoenix area, this only bodes ill for the amount of attention each child will receive. Education is important to the growth of any society and if that keeps getting hit time and time again with no solutions on how to fix that budget crisis, things will only get worse. The amount of educational Jobs are decreasing but the amount of applicants only increase. The educational Job market is being flooded with teachers that have experienced the layoffs and cut backs, while schools hiring, go for the more seasoned experienced teachers.Internships have been eliminated across the board for new teachers because the Jobs Just are not readily available eliminating many of the opportunities for young teachers. Kerry, a 4th grade teacher for xx Elementary in xx, has felt the pinch of educational budget cuts along with thousands of other teachers. XX teaches a very owe-income community with children that speak more Spanish than English and she struggles some days to provide the best educational experience she can. â€Å"The school just can't afford what we need and its sad.I have children that come to s chool almost every day hungry because they don't have proper meals at home. They come to school with no supplies because their parents can't afford them. As a teacher, how can I sit by and watch my students go with out the fundamental things that they need to get an education? †XX stated that she spends over $500 every year on school supplies that she does not get reimbursed for, â€Å"l have to do it. If I don't, no one will and these children don't deserve to suffer because of our budget cuts.How can they learn if they have no paper to write on or a pencil to write with? †When asked about the financial crisis the schools are experiencing, she replied, â€Å"Its sad and disturbing at the same time. How can I teach properly without the books and tools required to teach!? I know this sounds selfish, but doesn't they saying go, you need to help yourself before you can help others? If we [Americans] keep giving everything away, there's not going to be anything left for us to help ourselves. We could have so much more for our own kids! America's future are its children, those children are not educated properly, who's fault is that going to be? No matter who's fault it is, the problem needs to be corrected sooner rather than later. The United States has received a hazardous blows over the past few years with several crippling hurricanes, oil spills and a continued economic and financial crisis. The United States is falling further and further into debt with the war in Iraq and an economic crisis that has America considered ‘rich nations' among one of the poorest (Belittler).If the United States cut back some of the foreign aid given to the same countries regularly, then those countries receiving the public assistance will have no choice but to learn how to support themselves. By continuing to give aid and support them without teaching them how to figure out how to do it for themselves, the problem only gets worse. It Just seems that the United States is giving a lot of more hand outs while its own citizens are suffering. When that happens, that is when its time to close the purse strings to take care of American's with American tax dollars. Argumentative Paper The United States has spent too much money on other countries financial disasters despite America's own economic crisis. L. American foreign aid. A. Why foreign aid was implemented and how it was meant to be used. B. America and its status. C. Budget cuts. II. American foreign aid to Haiti. A. Wait's reliance on financial aid. B. Statistical data on the amounts of aid Haiti has received. II. America and its debt. A. 1991 debt verses 2011 debt. B. The war on Iraq and its cost to national debt. C.American dollars into the Iraqi infrastructure. 1) Military and police force trained at the hands of American taxpayer dollars. (2) Facilities that have been built by American's and gone to waste. (3) Global understanding of foreign aid. (4) Iraq's capabilities of taking care of their own financial aid. (5)Statistics in regards to dollars spent on what projects to Iraq become a better nation. IV. America's public school system. A. Budget cuts to the educational budget. B. Classroom growth. C. Educational cut back programs. (1) City of Phoenix cut backs. 2) Educational Job market flooded with teachers and no positions available. 3) Interview with Kerry. Help V. American's need to tighten the purse strings and take care of the issues at home. Too Much Foreign Aid in America's Budget The act of charity is something that most people are raised on; if a person has been blessed with wealth, it is always good to help those less fortunate. However, there comes a time when too much is too much. The United States, among other countries, developed the practice of foreign aid after World War II.It was designed to help those countries in desperate need of temporary help when they could not manage on their own. Foreign aid is something that has been in effect over the last few decades and some say has been used to excess and argue the point that if our own country is in debt and suffering, how can there be so much money spent on foreign aid. Others say that we are prosperous and shoul d help those that need it no matter what. Whichever side of the argument is brought up, there are certain facts that do not change.The United States has spent too much money taking care of other countries financial disasters despite the trouble within its own borders. The United States of America has long been considered one of the most remediable countries in the world leading the pack of economic growth, democracy, innovation and financial dominance. However, lately it seems that the United States is in as much financial strain as the other countries it helps regularly. American's are experiencing the pinch of billions in budget cuts on education programs, eliminating teaching positions and higher taxes to fund a war with Iraq.Even through all of these financial hardships, the United States still manages to give billions of dollars in financial aid despite the economic crisis of their own. A country that receives a large portion of American foreign aid is Haiti. Haiti is one of th e poorest countries in the world and is one of the countries that recently, receives the most financial aid world wide. In mid-January of this year, Haiti experienced a devastating earthquake that destroyed most of the county. Hundreds of thousands of people were left without homes, clean drinking water or electricity, with debris and rubble making it unsafe territory.Bret Stephens, a Journalist for the DOD Jones & Company, uncovered news from the World Bank and exactly how much additional aid was going to be allotted to Haiti for relief efforts. Stephens article states: The World Bank–now about to throw another $100 million on Haiti–on what it achieved in the country between 1986 and 2002: The outcome of World Bank assistance programs is rated unsatisfactory (if not highly so), the institutional development impact, negligible, and the sustainability of the few benefits that have accrued, unlikely.Stephens goes on to quote that the Bank noted, â€Å"Haiti has dysfunct ional budgetary, financial or procurement systems, making financial and aid management impossible. The Bank makes the claim that the Haitian government does not take ownership and initiative for formulating and implementing assistance programs. A breakdown of foreign aid by country, provided by Guardian, a United Kingdom based awareness blob, shows a grand total of 3. 5 billion dollars already donated and another 1. 1 billion dollars pledged to help with this disaster (Guardian).America, leading as the highest donor, among other countries such as United Kingdom, Japan and Canada. Many countries making absolutely no contribution whatsoever during this time. American's are going broke and continue to keep giving. In fact, the United States has only been debt free for two years, 1834 and 1835, according to Marie Clammiest. Clammiest states in another article that, â€Å"†¦ The federal governments $14 trillion debt as an emergency that demands big cuts in domestic programs†¦ The majority of this debt is said to have come from the war in Iraq, heavily financed by borrowing from China to fund the war. Lira Logan reported, â€Å"The problem for America is that its greatness has always been rooted in its economic dominance and that debt has forced the U. S. To keep borrowing from foreign countries. †According to statistical ATA provided by the Bureau of the Public Debt , in 1991, the national debt for the United States was under $3 Trillion, even though a large amount, it was still within the realm of being paid off.However now in 2011, the debt recently went over the $14 trillion mark, a number that is in no way obtainable (Madame). Logan also quoted Aaron David Miller of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, saying, â€Å"Can the world's greatest power remain the world's greatest power and also be the world's greatest borrower? I don't think so. †Over the past four years fighting the war n Iraq, the United States has spent $500 billion dollars on Just the war alone (Skeletal).In addition to the funding of occupying this country, the United States has spent over $50 billion in reconstruction costs, that unfortunately, most say will be wasted dollars due to Iraq's incompetence and capabilities to utilize the reconstructions. As a country, the United States has invested hundreds of billions of dollars on equipment, buildings, infrastructure, electricity and water facilities in third world countries. In an article recently published by USA Today written by Matt Kelley, mints out that, â€Å"The United States has spent $44. Billion in taxpayer funds on rebuilding Iraq, about half of it to train, equip and support Iraq's military and police forces. †Kelley also quotes Rusty Barber, the head of the Iraq program United States Institute of Peace, â€Å"There has been some significant progress, but there's a long way to go before Iraq can really be a stable, secure country that's able to provide for it s people's basic needs. †Iraq is a country that has undergone massive abuse over the past 10 plus years, with no end in sight, and has been rebuilt about ten times over.The amount of money that America has spent in rebuilding Iraq, by all means a country that has minimal interest in being rebuilt, is atrocious. American tax payer dollars are being spent to fund many projects in Iraq, such as schools, hospitals and prisons, instead of spending those same dollars on the same problems at home. According to Timothy Williams, many of these facilities have remained empty after completion because there were not enough Iraqis trained to operate them. Williams goes on to state that â€Å"†¦ 4 million maternity hospital built by the Americans is open, but the staff members cannot operate much of its equipment†¦.. Sinai Hospital in Baghdad, which had been the American military's largest medical center in the country, has been closed because the Health Ministry lacks the staff and equipment to reopen it, though the American military said it left $7. 9 million in equipment behind†¦ †He also states that there was a $165 million children's hospital that was delayed by more than four years and $115 million over budget (Williams). When a country is in desperate need of help, it is up to others to step up and give aid.When that aid is given, it is under the understanding that the money is going to e used to go towards the rebuild of the crisis. However, what happens when the country receiving large portions of aid do not need that aid? For example, according to James Gland and Campbell Robertson's article in August of 2008, by the end of 2009, the Iraqi government ended up with a surplus of almost $80 million dollars. The article stated that, â€Å"The United States has spent $23. 2 billion in the critical areas of security, oil, electricity and water since the 2003 invasion, but from 2005 through April of 2008, Iraq has spend Just $3. Billion on similar services. †Another report room the Government Accountability Office estimates Iraqi oil revenue from 2005 through the end of this year [2008] will amount to at least $156 billion dollars. †So what this is stating is that the Iraqi government is not only holding their oil money in a United States bank collecting somewhere in the range of $400,000 in interest, but for some reason they are collecting foreign aid when they are capable of funding and fixing their own problems.Carl Levin, a chairman of the Senate Armed Services was quoted saying, â€Å"The Iraqi government now has tens of billions of dollars at its espousal to fund large-scale reconstruction projects. It is inexcusable for U. S. Taxpayers to continue to foot the bill for projects the Iraqis are fully capable of funding themselves We should not be paying for Iraqi projects, while Iraqi oil revenues continue to pile up in the bank. †Very well said and a statement many American citizens support full hardheartedly.However, we are still sending foreign aid to Iraq, building Iraqi schools, hospitals, prisons, and fortifying their country's security but it does not look like the money is going to stop going into Iraq. If the United States spends 165 million dollars on one hospital, one can only imagine the cost of rebuilding schools during war time; as well as imagine how many of those schools were destroyed intentionally and unintentionally during or after their construction because of said war. America's public school system drastically needs help and no one is coming up with any solutions but budget cuts.The American public school system is already the victim of systematic budget cuts are now getting ready for another huge blow to their financial status; one some say that is going to cripple our youth's outlooks on a better education. †Education Weekly reported that â€Å"the spending bill that President Barack Obama signed into law March 2 severed current fiscal-ye ar funding for several literacy programs at the Education Department as a part of a government- wide reduction of $4 billion†(Rose). For an example, Arizona has taken hard drastic cuts recently.Classroom sizes have grown from 24 children per teacher to roughly 30 plus children per classroom. After school and during school education enhancement studies to help children who fall below the average or have special learning needs eave all but been eliminated. In previous years, children who may not have passed a subject were allowed the opportunity to attend intercession, a program during the school breaks where they attend class for a few hours a day over a two week time frame intended to get them back on track.Unfortunately, as of the 2009-2010 school year, Circle Cross Ranch, a local elementary in San Tan Valley Arizona, now requires parents pay $25 per class session if a child fails at any point in time the classes are mandatory. In Phoenix, they are experiencing even more of an unnecessary set back. The city as had a drastic decline in their hiring for the 2010-2011 school year. Roughly 7,400 public-school teaching positions have been eliminated across the state because of budget cuts proposed by the Legislature, according to Arizona Educators Association spokesman John Heartfelt (Quinn).With the amount of children that are still enrolling and moving into the Phoenix area, this only bodes ill for the amount of attention each child will receive. Education is important to the growth of any society and if that keeps getting hit time and time again with no solutions on how to fix that budget crisis, things will only get worse. The amount of educational Jobs are decreasing but the amount of applicants only increase. The educational Job market is being flooded with teachers that have experienced the layoffs and cut backs, while schools hiring, go for the more seasoned experienced teachers.Internships have been eliminated across the board for new teachers beca use the Jobs Just are not readily available eliminating many of the opportunities for young teachers. Kerry, a 4th grade teacher for xx Elementary in xx, has felt the pinch of educational budget cuts along with thousands of other teachers. XX teaches a very owe-income community with children that speak more Spanish than English and she struggles some days to provide the best educational experience she can. â€Å"The school just cant afford what we need and its sad.I have children that come to school almost every day hungry because they don't have proper meals at home. They come to school with no supplies because their parents can't afford them. As a teacher, how can I sit by and watch my students go with out the fundamental things that they need to get an education? †XX stated that she spends over $500 every year on school supplies that she does not get reimbursed for, â€Å"l have to do it. If I don't, no one will and these children don't deserve to suffer because of our b udget cuts.How can they learn if they have no paper to write on or a pencil to write with? †When asked about the financial crisis the schools are experiencing, she replied, â€Å"Its sad and disturbing at the same time. How can I teach properly without the books and tools required to teach!? I know this sounds selfish, but doesn't they saying go, you need to help yourself before you can help others? If we [Americans] keep giving everything away, there's not going to be anything left for us to help ourselves. We could have so much more for our own kids! America's future are its children, those children are not educated properly, who's fault is that going to be? No matter who's fault it is, the problem needs to be corrected sooner rather than later. The United States has received a hazardous blows over the past few years with several crippling hurricanes, oil spills and a continued economic and financial crisis. The United States is falling further and further into debt with t he war in Iraq and an economic crisis that has America considered ‘rich nations' among one of the poorest (Belittler).If the United States cut back some of the foreign aid given to the same countries regularly, then those countries receiving the public assistance will have no choice but to learn how to support themselves. By continuing to give aid and support them without teaching them how to figure out how to do it for themselves, the problem only gets worse. It Just seems that the United States is giving a lot of more hand outs while its own citizens are suffering. When that happens, that is when its time to close the purse strings to take care of American's with American tax dollars. Argumentative Paper The United States has spent too much money on other countries financial disasters despite America's own economic crisis. L. American foreign aid. A. Why foreign aid was implemented and how it was meant to be used. B. America and its status. C. Budget cuts. II. American foreign aid to Haiti. A. Wait's reliance on financial aid. B. Statistical data on the amounts of aid Haiti has received. II. America and its debt. A. 1991 debt verses 2011 debt. B. The war on Iraq and its cost to national debt. C.American dollars into the Iraqi infrastructure. 1) Military and police force trained at the hands of American taxpayer dollars. (2) Facilities that have been built by American's and gone to waste. (3) Global understanding of foreign aid. (4) Iraq's capabilities of taking care of their own financial aid. (5)Statistics in regards to dollars spent on what projects to Iraq become a better nation. IV. America's public school system. A. Budget cuts to the educational budget. B. Classroom growth. C. Educational cut back programs. (1) City of Phoenix cut backs. 2) Educational Job market flooded with teachers and no positions available. 3) Interview with Kerry. Help V. American's need to tighten the purse strings and take care of the issues at home. Too Much Foreign Aid in America's Budget The act of charity is something that most people are raised on; if a person has been blessed with wealth, it is always good to help those less fortunate. However, there comes a time when too much is too much. The United States, among other countries, developed the practice of foreign aid after World War II.It was designed to help those countries in desperate need of temporary help when they could not manage on their own. Foreign aid is something that has been in effect over the last few decades and some say has been used to excess and argue the point that if our own country is in debt and suffering, how can there be so much money spent on foreign aid. Others say that we are prosperous and shoul d help those that need it no matter what. Whichever side of the argument is brought up, there are certain facts that do not change.The United States has spent too much money taking care of other countries financial disasters despite the trouble within its own borders. The United States of America has long been considered one of the most remediable countries in the world leading the pack of economic growth, democracy, innovation and financial dominance. However, lately it seems that the United States is in as much financial strain as the other countries it helps regularly. American's are experiencing the pinch of billions in budget cuts on education programs, eliminating teaching positions and higher taxes to fund a war with Iraq.Even through all of these financial hardships, the United States still manages to give billions of dollars in financial aid despite the economic crisis of their own. A country that receives a large portion of American foreign aid is Haiti. Haiti is one of th e poorest countries in the world and is one of the countries that recently, receives the most financial aid world wide. In mid-January of this year, Haiti experienced a devastating earthquake that destroyed most of the county. Hundreds of thousands of people were left without homes, clean drinking water or electricity, with debris and rubble making it unsafe territory.Bret Stephens, a Journalist for the DOD Jones & Company, uncovered news from the World Bank and exactly how much additional aid was going to be allotted to Haiti for relief efforts. Stephens article states: The World Bank–now about to throw another $100 million on Haiti–on what it achieved in the country between 1986 and 2002: The outcome of World Bank assistance programs is rated unsatisfactory (if not highly so), the institutional development impact, negligible, and the sustainability of the few benefits that have accrued, unlikely.Stephens goes on to quote that the Bank noted, â€Å"Haiti has dysfunct ional budgetary, financial or procurement systems, making financial and aid management impossible. The Bank makes the claim that the Haitian government does not take ownership and initiative for formulating and implementing assistance programs. A breakdown of foreign aid by country, provided by Guardian, a United Kingdom based awareness blob, shows a grand total of 3. 5 billion dollars already donated and another 1. 1 billion dollars pledged to help with this disaster (Guardian).America, leading as the highest donor, among other countries such as United Kingdom, Japan and Canada. Many countries making absolutely no contribution whatsoever during this time. American's are going broke and continue to keep giving. In fact, the United States has only been debt free for two years, 1834 and 1835, according to Marie Clammiest. Clammiest states in another article that, â€Å"†¦ The federal governments $14 trillion debt as an emergency that demands big cuts in domestic programs†¦ The majority of this debt is said to have come from the war in Iraq, heavily financed by borrowing from China to fund the war. Lira Logan reported, â€Å"The problem for America is that its greatness has always been rooted in its economic dominance and that debt has forced the U. S. To keep borrowing from foreign countries. †According to statistical ATA provided by the Bureau of the Public Debt , in 1991, the national debt for the United States was under $3 Trillion, even though a large amount, it was still within the realm of being paid off.However now in 2011, the debt recently went over the $14 trillion mark, a number that is in no way obtainable (Madame). Logan also quoted Aaron David Miller of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, saying, â€Å"Can the world's greatest power remain the world's greatest power and also be the world's greatest borrower? I don't think so. †Over the past four years fighting the war n Iraq, the United States has spent $500 billion dollars on Just the war alone (Skeletal).In addition to the funding of occupying this country, the United States has spent over $50 billion in reconstruction costs, that unfortunately, most say will be wasted dollars due to Iraq's incompetence and capabilities to utilize the reconstructions. As a country, the United States has invested hundreds of billions of dollars on equipment, buildings, infrastructure, electricity and water facilities in third world countries. In an article recently published by USA Today written by Matt Kelley, mints out that, â€Å"The United States has spent $44. Billion in taxpayer funds on rebuilding Iraq, about half of it to train, equip and support Iraq's military and police forces. †Kelley also quotes Rusty Barber, the head of the Iraq program United States Institute of Peace, â€Å"There has been some significant progress, but there's a long way to go before Iraq can really be a stable, secure country that's able to provide for it s people's basic needs. †Iraq is a country that has undergone massive abuse over the past 10 plus years, with no end in sight, and has been rebuilt about ten times over.The amount of money that America has spent in rebuilding Iraq, by all means a country that has minimal interest in being rebuilt, is atrocious. American tax payer dollars are being spent to fund many projects in Iraq, such as schools, hospitals and prisons, instead of spending those same dollars on the same problems at home. According to Timothy Williams, many of these facilities have remained empty after completion because there were not enough Iraqis trained to operate them. Williams goes on to state that â€Å"†¦ 4 million maternity hospital built by the Americans is open, but the staff members cannot operate much of its equipment†¦.. Sinai Hospital in Baghdad, which had been the American military's largest medical center in the country, has been closed because the Health Ministry lacks the staff and equipment to reopen it, though the American military said it left $7. 9 million in equipment behind†¦ †He also states that there was a $165 million children's hospital that was delayed by more than four years and $115 million over budget (Williams). When a country is in desperate need of help, it is up to others to step up and give aid.When that aid is given, it is under the understanding that the money is going to e used to go towards the rebuild of the crisis. However, what happens when the country receiving large portions of aid do not need that aid? For example, according to James Gland and Campbell Robertson's article in August of 2008, by the end of 2009, the Iraqi government ended up with a surplus of almost $80 million dollars. The article stated that, â€Å"The United States has spent $23. 2 billion in the critical areas of security, oil, electricity and water since the 2003 invasion, but from 2005 through April of 2008, Iraq has spend Just $3. Billion on similar services. †Another report room the Government Accountability Office estimates Iraqi oil revenue from 2005 through the end of this year [2008] will amount to at least $156 billion dollars. †So what this is stating is that the Iraqi government is not only holding their oil money in a United States bank collecting somewhere in the range of $400,000 in interest, but for some reason they are collecting foreign aid when they are capable of funding and fixing their own problems.Carl Levin, a chairman of the Senate Armed Services was quoted saying, â€Å"The Iraqi government now has tens of billions of dollars at its espousal to fund large-scale reconstruction projects. It is inexcusable for U. S. Taxpayers to continue to foot the bill for projects the Iraqis are fully capable of funding themselves We should not be paying for Iraqi projects, while Iraqi oil revenues continue to pile up in the bank. †Very well said and a statement many American citizens support full hardheartedly.However, we are still sending foreign aid to Iraq, building Iraqi schools, hospitals, prisons, and fortifying their country's security but it does not look like the money is going to stop going into Iraq. If the United States spends 165 million dollars on one hospital, one can only imagine the cost of rebuilding schools during war time; as well as imagine how many of those schools were destroyed intentionally and unintentionally during or after their construction because of said war. America's public school system drastically needs help and no one is coming up with any solutions but budget cuts.The American public school system is already the victim of systematic budget cuts are now getting ready for another huge blow to their financial status; one some say that is going to cripple our youth's outlooks on a better education. †Education Weekly reported that â€Å"the spending bill that President Barack Obama signed into law March 2 severed current fiscal-ye ar funding for several literacy programs at the Education Department as a part of a government- wide reduction of $4 billion†(Rose). For an example, Arizona has taken hard drastic cuts recently.Classroom sizes have grown from 24 children per teacher to roughly 30 plus children per classroom. After school and during school education enhancement studies to help children who fall below the average or have special learning needs eave all but been eliminated. In previous years, children who may not have passed a subject were allowed the opportunity to attend intercession, a program during the school breaks where they attend class for a few hours a day over a two week time frame intended to get them back on track.Unfortunately, as of the 2009-2010 school year, Circle Cross Ranch, a local elementary in San Tan Valley Arizona, now requires parents pay $25 per class session if a child fails at any point in time the classes are mandatory. In Phoenix, they are experiencing even more of an unnecessary set back. The city as had a drastic decline in their hiring for the 2010-2011 school year. Roughly 7,400 public-school teaching positions have been eliminated across the state because of budget cuts proposed by the Legislature, according to Arizona Educators Association spokesman John Heartfelt (Quinn).With the amount of children that are still enrolling and moving into the Phoenix area, this only bodes ill for the amount of attention each child will receive. Education is important to the growth of any society and if that keeps getting hit time and time again with no solutions on how to fix that budget crisis, things will only get worse. The amount of educational Jobs are decreasing but the amount of applicants only increase. The educational Job market is being flooded with teachers that have experienced the layoffs and cut backs, while schools hiring, go for the more seasoned experienced teachers.Internships have been eliminated across the board for new teachers beca use the Jobs Just are not readily available eliminating many of the opportunities for young teachers. Kerry, a 4th grade teacher for xx Elementary in xx, has felt the pinch of educational budget cuts along with thousands of other teachers. XX teaches a very owe-income community with children that speak more Spanish than English and she struggles some days to provide the best educational experience she can. â€Å"The school just cant afford what we need and its sad.I have children that come to school almost every day hungry because they don't have proper meals at home. They come to school with no supplies because their parents can't afford them. As a teacher, how can I sit by and watch my students go with out the fundamental things that they need to get an education? †XX stated that she spends over $500 every year on school supplies that she does not get reimbursed for, â€Å"l have to do it. If I don't, no one will and these children don't deserve to suffer because of our b udget cuts.How can they learn if they have no paper to write on or a pencil to write with? †When asked about the financial crisis the schools are experiencing, she replied, â€Å"Its sad and disturbing at the same time. How can I teach properly without the books and tools required to teach!? I know this sounds selfish, but doesn't they saying go, you need to help yourself before you can help others? If we [Americans] keep giving everything away, there's not going to be anything left for us to help ourselves. We could have so much more for our own kids! America's future are its children, those children are not educated properly, who's fault is that going to be? No matter who's fault it is, the problem needs to be corrected sooner rather than later. The United States has received a hazardous blows over the past few years with several crippling hurricanes, oil spills and a continued economic and financial crisis. The United States is falling further and further into debt with t he war in Iraq and an economic crisis that has America considered ‘rich nations' among one of the poorest (Belittler).If the United States cut back some of the foreign aid given to the same countries regularly, then those countries receiving the public assistance will have no choice but to learn how to support themselves. By continuing to give aid and support them without teaching them how to figure out how to do it for themselves, the problem only gets worse. It Just seems that the United States is giving a lot of more hand outs while its own citizens are suffering. When that happens, that is when its time to close the purse strings to take care of American's with American tax dollars.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination
Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination Keanna Jones Gen 200 March 18, 2010 Instructor: Jenta Young â€Å"You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step†says Martin Luther King Jr. (Finest Quotes, Lift Your Spirit Up, 2010). Sounds simple enough to some, but for many people taking the first step can be quite difficult. In other words, putting off something intentionally that should be done is called procrastinating (Merriam-Webster, 2010). There are lots of reasons that people can’t take that first step for such as having a busy schedule, stress, afraid of failure or wanting complete perfection; because of this, people tend to wait until the last minute to do things, lye to themselves, do other things instead of what needs to be done and avoid making decisions. Actually, waiting until the last minute gives some people just enough pressure to complete their task or time to refresh their minds. Therefore, procrastinating can be a positive thing for some, but for others it can be a barrier that hinders one from accomplishing the simplest-everyday tasks to more long term goals. So for those people that consider procrastination a problem, once you figure out how and why you procrastinate, then you find a solution for your problem. â€Å"There are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most sure-fire just might be procrastination. Procrastinators sabotage themselves. They put obstacles in their own path. They actually choose paths that hurt their performance†(Staff, 2005). Thus, procrastination can be a problem for many people. Waiting until the last minute to do things or not making decisions can cause detrimental side-effects on ones emotional and physical state. Subsequently, it can be stressful and cause you to feel hopeless or depressed which often delays or stops people from achieving their ultimate goals or becoming successful, but it is possible to prevail over it. In order to overcome procrastination, first you need to gather a few things to get started (you may need more or less as youbegin to learn more about yourself): a notepad and pen, a calendar or some sort of date book (both can also be done on your personal computer), some rewards for yourself and a new positive attitude. Next, you need to determine why you are procrastinating. Harold Taylor lists several reasons why we procrastinate and how to defeat them. For example: Sometimes we figure that tasks are more unpleasant than they truly are; so, â€Å"complete these tasks first, schedule them for early in the day, and give yourself a reward for doing them. †Also, break complex projects into smaller ones, and if you are afraid of failure, remind yourself of how good you’ll feel when you finish. Moreover, if perfectionism and making decisions are your struggle, determine a time to make decisions and set deadlines. Remember that even the simplest things can cause someone to procrastinate like a lack of interest or distractions; free your-self from interruption and clutter (Taylor). In addition, use your calendar and date book to make appointments and set your deadlines; write down everything from daily tasksto your long term goals. Finally, measure your achievements and with any objective you conquer in procrastination reward yourself. Furthermore, people can procrastinate in any and everything they do whether it isacademically, in the workforce or just daily living. â€Å"Based on some figures, it is estimated that as much as 95 % of the people are prone to procrastination. Amongst them, 20 % of them are chronic procrastinators. These people have an increasing chance of losing their jobs, have financial problems and have serious problems with their relationship with others†(Hobbs, 2008). What’s more, with academic procrastination, students may not complete work or meet deadlines, and as result, they may fail and not graduate. Also, workforce procrastination can mean not completing assignments at work, not applying for a promotion, or not looking for a better job; so procrastination in the workforce can not only lead to trouble there, but also difficulties financially and in your relationship. At some moment in everyone’s life we may procrastinate in our daily living like waiting until the next day to clean up, but as long as it does not effect of livesnegatively we should be able to overcome it. However, if it does, just follow the instructions above and one should be fine. So if you are a procrastinator, remember that you are not in this alone; as you can see, 95% of us procrastinate in some way. As we mentioned above, consider what type of procrastinator you are, how you procrastinate and what motivates you to reach beyond and you should be able to overcome it. Think about what makes you tick. Besides, it takes a lot of discipline to break this pattern. Consider what inspires you to advance, move ahead and be successful. Thus, use your pen, paper, planner, gather your rewards and develop a positive attitude and you will be on your way to coping with procrastination. In conclusion, procrastination can be positive or negative, but as you can see, it clearly affects people’s lives. For plenty of people it does not help them; it actually hurts them. However, one can rise above it by simply remembering that you are a procrastinator and how to fix it. Do not wait until the last minute to do things or avoid making decisions because these are all signs of procrastination. By following some of the suggestions mentioned above, one might become triumphant in breaking this habit. Works Cited Finest Quotes Lift Your Spirit Up. 2010). In Procrastination Quotes. Retrieved March 18, 2010, from http://www. finestquotes. com/select_quote-category-Procrastination-page-0. htm. Hobbs, Jason. (April 2008). What Do Statistics on Procrastination Have to Say? Retrieved March 18, 2010, from http://ezinearticles. com/? What-Do-Statistics-On-Procrastination-Have-To-Say? &id=1093970. Procrastination. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved March 18, 2 010, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/procrastination. Richard Farrar. (2010). Life, Technology and Everything. The Powers of Procrastination. Retrieved March 18, 2010, from http://www. richardfarrar. com/the-powers-of-procrastination/. Staff, PT (2005). Why We Procrastinate. Psychology Today. Retrieved March 18, 2010, from http://www. psychologytoday. com/articles/200507/why-we-procrastinate. Taylor, Harold. How to Stop Procrastinating. Retrieved March 18, 2010, from http://www. getmoredone. com/tips2. html Tucker-Ladd, Clayton. (2007)Psychological Self-Help. http://www. psychologicalselfhelp. org/Chapter4/chap4_77. html, p. 76-80.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Baking an Imaginary Cake
â€Å"Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.†-Walt Disney As a seven year old girl, I was proud to be a â€Å"tomboy†. I never played with dolls, preferring to use the computer as my source of entertainment. In my house, any Barbie dolls were found buried in the corners of the closets rarely seeing the light of day. So when I babysat a little girl ten years later, I was forced into very unfamiliar territory. After her mother left, she immediately ran over to a large toy chest, that was big enough to fit four small children, and dumped its contents all over the floor. â€Å"Here, take this one†¦and this one†¦and†¦this one! He’s my favorite but you can be him today.†She handed me a plastic sheep, a blue bear with a star on its stomach and a doll whose head was bigger than its body. â€Å"And I’ll be Teddy, Honey and Ellie. They’re all sisters and they live together in that pink house over there. OK? Alright, so let’s go!†Immediately, she slipped into the characters of her plastic creatures, doing their voices and personality as naturally as I would brush my teeth. â€Å"Well aren’t you gonna play?†she asked turning to me. I realized I was still standing where she handed me my toys. â€Å"Yeah,†I said with uncertainty, â€Å"Umm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I was stuck. What name and personality could I give to a plastic sheep? ‘Sheepy’ the sheep? Well, it was worth a shot. â€Å"This is ‘Sheepy’†I said slowly, judging her reaction to the predictable name. â€Å"And he umm†¦ likes†¦apples.†That was the best I could come up with? He likes apples? To my surprise, Mary enjoyed it. â€Å"Ha-ha that’s perfect! Honey likes apples too! Her and Sheepy can be friends!†She said smiling. â€Å"We’re going to have a birthday party for Ellie today. Sheepy and Honey can bake her cake okay?†Before I knew it an hour had passed and the toys had to be put away. Secretly, I wanted to play with them some more. Never would I have thought that a seemingly boring plastic sheep could turn into a culinary legend, baking the tastiest birthday cake in the universe. Walt Disney was right. Within a child’s mind the possibilities are endless. Without imagination, the world we know today would not exist. Steve Jobs used his imagination to create Apple just as Walt Disney used his to create America’s beloved cartoon mouse. Even though some people associate imagination with children, it is something that as adults we should embrace as well. From babysitting, I have learned that imagination is a necessary tool to succeed in today’s technology based society. As technology advances, the demand for new ideas will increase dramatically so we can remain competitive. Although I never used it as well as Mary did when I was a kid, I am confident my imagination is something I will need in the future. Who knows, I might even become an Imagineer.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Buying Decision - a New House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Buying Decision - a New House - Essay Example Key words: House, Economy, Domestic Economy, GDP - Gross Domestic Product, BEA - The Bureau of Economic Analysis, purchasing power, inflation, international trade. John & Tia are living in a rented studio apartment at a location near to their offices and commercial area which is ideal for them. However, they are expecting a baby and require bigger space to have room for baby’s nursery and a location that is near to clinic / hospital, school, nurseries, day care centers and other social service offices they might need to consult after they have the baby along with continuation of their respective careers. Both to-be-parents are confused whether to rent a bigger place or make the ultimate investment of buying their own house in an economy that is gradually improving from recession. This is a major investment for the couple that requires a substantial financial expenditure which is going to alter their financial position, spending habits, saving percentage etc. Consequences of th is substantial investment would firstly require savings and other investments evaluation. They have been saving for few years and have sufficient amount to make the down payment and pay mortgage for at least a year. Hence they are prepared financially however, they need to be emotionally willing to take the huge plunge into this big investment as well as cope with resulting restrictions, requirements and tradeoffs involved. They need to assess whether their current income flow is sustainable and can support mortgage payments for the future period. If mother-to-be has to quit job in order to take care of the baby would they be able to afford making payments regularly and how will they manage their financials? They also need to evaluate if it is the right time to take the leap or they should stick to rented option. Their detailed assessment of the economic situation, evaluation based on economic factors and weighing down of options is given below. Majority of the decisions we make as consumers are directly related to or influenced by the prevailing economic conditions. Our future plans are shaped in accordance with our expectation of how the economy will perform. We shall refer to a few of N. Gregory Mankiw’s principles related to the principle of making the purchase decision and influencing factors. According to Mankiw, there is no â€Å"free lunch†we must give up something in order to get something i.e. every decision has its costs / tradeoff. In our case tradeoffs are the plans couple had already made earlier that they now need to forego or put on hold, such as yearly vacation and a new car. They would also have fewer saving hence restricted spending priorities since now they also have to consider extra savings for future expenses related to raising a child as well as maintain the new house if the go ahead with the decision. Further tradeoffs would be loss of interest income being earned on the savings and opportunity cost lost on account of no t having the same amount invested to gain profit. This factor would evolve into the second principle by Mankiw which involves considering and weighing the costs of decisions, i.e. opportunity cost which is ever present. The couple would be losing on the opportunity to have the amount saved and interest being earned giving them financial strength instead of having it spent on down payment, monthly mortgage payment and insurance payments. Other
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Horse Fighting in Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Horse Fighting in Asia - Essay Example These fighting are conducted in stadiums or in the fields of different villages. Mostly, they are done in less populated areas. However in case of populated areas it is conducted on local road tracks, which may be harmful for citizens as well. That is why I have chosen this topic to study its context and history as well as analyzing it basis of how this game came into existence. 1.2 Horse fighting This sport is common in all parts of Asia. Horses are mainly used in fighting, kicking and biting in order to create entertainment and have a financial gain. This is mostly practiced in the countries which have more tourists each year. These people spend a lot to gain pleasure and try to earn money which leads to gambling on horse fighting. This practice is illegal one cannot harm other living being for entertainment or to have more money. There are many other ways to have these two things rather than conducting this sport. Horse fighting also involves a process and technique. Firstly, a ma re is binged by injection of hormones. Then she is taken out tied with roped and as well as padded for couple of minutes so that they can pick her scent. Then the two stallions are released and they start fighting with each other, while mare stands at a distance. It is continued for several minutes, horses keep on biting and kicking each other, unless and until one goes out of the ring. If one does not get out of ring, it can lead to death of any one. These fights are conducted on daily basis and lead to bloody wounds on the body of horses every time when they enter in a race. This is very unhealthy and risky game for their life. It have been noted that most of the horses die after the fight or they are slaughtered for meat and are shot dead if they are unable to do fighting (Amschler Wolfgang, 1935). Horses are graceful, social and intelligent creatures that don’t fight among each other. Studies indicated that when horses are shown care and are given safe and healthy environ ment, in result they become a strong bond with human beings. They can help in many social activities. However, involving horses in fight with each other is against the nature. History is past, today in this modern world one should try to make best use of all resources rather than wasting them. Training and development Horses are trained for fights on the basis of a manual of war among horses which was written by Hittite horse master in 1350 BC. This was one of the earliest manual written on horses and is in practice till today. The most difficult part in training horses is to overcome its natural instinct to flee the smell of blood, from noise and confusion related to combat. It is also made to learn unusual movement of humans and fighting with the other horse. They are made to hurt other horse though kicking, biting and striking thus they are made to serve as a weapon. It is important to develop agility and balance in the horse while fighting with the other. So in this training and development program horses are made to learn all acts of fighting (Matt Van Hoven, 2008). 1.3 Historical perspective and analysis Horse fighting is a sport since 500 years back and is mainly done by Indonesia, China, South Korea, and Philippines. It is a
Quantitative market research report carried out on a professional Paper
Quantitative market report carried out on a professional photo service by Marketest (marketing company) - Research Paper Example In addition, although the main aim of taking photos is for memory purposes, many people have gone beyond this tradition belief, and incorporated other aspects such as taking photos for fun, marketing strategies for business among other aspects (Davis 11). In this regard, most people in the UK have decided to seek professional help in matters pertaining to photography services. This is because professional photographer may have a variety of services such as editing photos, adding literature in them and even blending them to bring out the desired purpose of the customer (Allen 7). On the other hand, it is apparent that there a great need to have professional photo services for such purposes. 2. Literature review Importance of using professional photo services for business Due to high competition in the current markets, businesses have decided to spice their marketing strategies in order to develop and maintain competitive advantage that would enable them thrive in a highly competitive market. In this regard, professional photo services play a critical role in informing customers of new and exciting products (Adrian 49). For instance, a hotel may decide to use professional photo services to display some of their new foods. ... In hotel business, entrances and table menus acts as the best places to place advertisement pictures. In addition, they are in a better position to advise the business owner of additional materials to incorporate on the picture (Obermeier and Padova 74). For businesses advertising on the internet and especially via their websites, professional photo services could decide of the best photos to be placed on the website in line with the target market and the line of business (Folsom and Goodridge 12). A good example of a professional photo services is McDonalds. Although there has been heated debate on the dietary and unhealthy effects of fast foods, McDonalds has managed to maintain a considerable number of customers due to its use of professional photo services, which are well displayed on its website and its outlets across the globe. Company vehicles are well branded with photos of different fast foods such as styled hamburger, which entices people even those that clearly know about the effects of fast foods. Studies have documented that quality photos can be used to sell a product or hurt the business greatly. A poor photo can display a negative image of business products thus affecting business performance. For instance, a poorly taken or displayed photo can translate to poor quality products, and this can shun away customers (Johnson 298). A good and quality photo can attract new customers as well as maintain the already existing ones (Malhotra and Birks 24). In this regard, professional photo services can determine the best photos to entice customers, and which; can impress them on their first encounter with them. Studies have also documented that photos can be used to put across several meanings
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Evaluation of Apple Incs decision about launched product Apple Pay, Essay
Evaluation of Apple Incs decision about launched product Apple Pay, based on your analysis of the external environment (PEST factors and competition) and of the market - Essay Example However, companies such as Apple are helping to make that dream turn into reality. The growth in mobile commerce is seen to be quick with more of smart phone users. The current paper aims to analyze the mobile payments industry of the U.S emphasising upon its trends, growth rates, environmental factors and competition aspects. Apple Pay is a mobile payments solutions product developed by Apple Inc. The system allows the users of iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus, iPad mini3, iPad Air 2 and Apple Watch to make direct payments. The service was launched on October 20, 2014 in the U.S. The system currently exists only in the U.S, with the company’s plans of expanding the same into other nations in the near future (Apple Inc., 2014). The contactless payment system enables users to pay for different types of purchases in a safe and a highly secure manner. The solutions payment systems are a part of the electronic payments industry. The purpose of service providers in this industry is to develop an easy method of transacting business and transferring money without having to carry or use cards every time a purchase in made. Users can store their banking information in their mobiles in a secure way and can use the same whenever purchases are made. When consumers store their debit or credit card information in their iPhones, Apple generates a unique encrypted code called the device account numbers. These codes get saved within the mobile chip and is never accessed or stored in the Apple servers. Whenever any transaction is made, these device account numbers along with transaction specific security code is used. In this manner the actual debit or credit card information is not used by Apple for transmitting the payment (Heggestuen, J., 2014). The mobile payments and online payment solutions industry is seen to have grown rapidly in the last few years in the U.S. The industry is seen to be in its booming phase with new types of
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Casualties of War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Casualties of War - Essay Example A new member of the unit is introduced called Erikson Fox and is unjaded by the violence and brutality that is happening around him. This team faced several frustrations in the field and decided to invade a village where they also kidnap a young girl, Oah who they raped and violated both emotionally and physically. They made the young woman to be their slave and made her run all the errands for them, Eriksson then refuse to take part in the torture and slavery and decided to attempt setting her free. Unfortunately, after some time, the young woman is buttered and eventually killed by Meserves’s unit under Eriksson’s watch; he was unable to do anything to stop them. Even though he failed to secure justice for the woman, Eriksson continued to seek for justice for the woman but nobody listened to his plea but continued to push for justice until the military unit were brought to a military tribunal. Eriksson became unrelenting quest for the victim’s justice whom he thought was brutal and unfairly treated by the units of solders he was serving with in the same unit. In the unit, different personalities are depicted with reference to the unfolding; Sean is portrayed as a highly effective part of the team and was instrumental in moving the unit forward. On Michael Fox, he is portrayed as a naà ¯ve recruit of the team with good qualities at the same time, on the other hand, the performance of Thuy Le was rather heart wrenching. This movie directed by Brian considers the aspects of brutality adopted by Merseve and the unit he controlled during the period of the war while at the same time includes the dissenting voice of Eriksson. It should also be noted that this movies was based on the Daniel Lang’s article referred to as New Yorker and series of subsequent books. Casualties of War in my opinion remains one of the best films depicting war in an emotionally manipulated way while remaining effective too. It illustrates the demonizing effects f the war and at the same time demonstrate that it is no the way through. In the films, what comes ou t clearly is the fact that it is only the foolish and the laziest that will seek refuge in war. It also depicts how wholesome failure of humanity can lead to the institutional violence and this in the film is construed on how this can shape people’s thinking to the extent that they simply dismiss actions without justification or rationale. In that regard, Eriksson position not to partake on the Vietnam’s was and the eventual resistance that confronted him when he insisted of doing the right things simply demonstrates the extent the film has gone to move beyond the theatre of war and cites failures of the institution of humanity. After a keen follow of the film, it is construable that there are many issues that the Americans did in the Vietnam War than just what is conventional in the public domain. American Involvement in the War It will be remembered that the US and the USSR after the Second World War were in superiority rivalry in which the US supported capitalist co untries and the USSR extended the same to the communist’s sympathizers. One such area where the confrontation of the two major worlds power after the events of 1945 took place was in Vietnam. The US, supported the Southern Vietnam given the fact that they supported communism, on the other the USSR supported the Northern Vietnam on their position on communism. The US took the responsibility to help countries that were under coercion in accepting those ideologies that they did not subscribe to through military and economic support. Making reference to the film, Merseve and Eriksson experienced tension in their relation in the military unit given the fact
Monday, September 23, 2019
Food safety Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Food safety - Research Paper Example The report of Potter and Hotchkiss stated that, â€Å"food preservation is an action or method designed to maintain foods at a desired level of quality. A number of new preservation techniques are being developed to satisfy current demands of economic preservation and consumer satisfaction in safety, nutritional and sensory aspects†(McElhatton & Marshall,3). Since food is perishable in nature, there is a necessity to preserve the food that we eat through food preservation techniques. The importance of food safety has become the main concern of the consumers worldwide because health issues and several food-related diseases that can go with it. The first thing to consider before dining-out or buying take-away food is to make sure that the food that you are paying for is nutritious and safe. Nowadays, people prefer to dine-out than cook their own meals at home because of their busy lifestyle. Eating out or buying food to take home from food establishments actually saves time and effort of its consumers. In fact, there are several fancy and affordable fast food restaurants which offer great-tasting meals. Consumers patronize them especially if they are busy with work and just buy take-away food for their families. Thus, most of the big or small food corporations alike should practice sanitation and cleanliness in preparing food because this concerns the health of the general public which is of utmost concern. Food corporations must be transparent to their consumers on the ways and methods used in preparation of the meals they serve to the general public. Thesis: The proper preparation of food by maintaining cleanliness and good sanitation by the food-producing corporations shall ensure food safety and protect the health of its consumers. II. Ethical Issue and Debates The study of Sherrow and Marzili reported that â€Å"widespread outbreaks of illnesses cause by the food we eat have grabbed headlines, but news reports have been left unanswered. In the US, e verything from snack food made with spice imported from China to spinach grown organically in California has been implicated. Critics of the food industry and the government agencies that regulate it such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), argue that the government is subservient to powerful industry interests which result to unsafe food supply†(9). Thus, many Americans suffer from foodborne illnesses due to the passive and unreceptive response of the government agencies to combat this growing problem. Included are the big corporations, engaged in food industry who fail to monitor the safety of the food supply, and sometimes poor hygiene implemented in their food premises. Government agencies such as FDA and USDA must be able to carry-out the objectives of their offices to protect the general public. Food is a basic necessity and human beings are dependent on food for survival. However, the government should regulate the food ma nufacturers, food operators and restaurant owners, by enforcing stricter laws to safeguard the safety of the consumers. III. Corporate Social Responsibility It is the responsibility of food corporations to be transparent when it comes to serving the food that they serve to their consumers. It is
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Ashkenazi Jews Essay Example for Free
Ashkenazi Jews Essay The Jews admit that they are not the descendants of the Ancient Israelites in their writings. Under the heading of A brief History of the Terms for Jew in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew. 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3. JEWS Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew. 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3. Encyclopedia Americana (1985) Khazar, an ancient Turkic speaking people who ruled a large and powerful state in the steppes North of the Caucasus Mountains from the 7th century to the mid 11th century A.D In the 8th Century its political and religious head as well as the greater part of the Khazar nobility, abandoned paganism and converted to Judaism (The Khazars are the ancestors of most Russian and Eastern European Jews). Encyclopedia Britannica (15th edition): Khazars, confederation of Turkic and Iranian tribes that established a major commercial empire in the second half of the 6th century, covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia In the middle of the 8th century the ruling classes adopted Judaism as their religion. Encyclopedia Americana (1985): Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands it was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population. The Jewish Encyclopedia: Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania. HORUS. Sun of God Ask Any 33rd degree Freemason! Horus is the EYE above the African Egyptian Pyramid on the U.S.ONE DOLLAR BILL.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Analysis of the Engineering Industry
Analysis of the Engineering Industry Executive summery: In the assignment below, the engineering industry is critically analyzed by studying its characteristics, identifying and analyzing its key areas and its current position and how it is affected by micro and macro environmental factors. All these analysis is done by using analytical tools like Porters Five Forces framework, PESTEL analysis, Industry Life-Cycle analysis, drivers of change within the industry, etc. The mechanical industry after carefully analyzed, important future long scenarios have been made demonstrating on how the industry will act and perform in innovative long term run based on the present analysis and trends in that particular industry. Also, one most likely situation has been identified, with relevant reasons, which the industry will most likely to face in the future. The entire assignment is based on the engineering industry in Indian markets being considered as the support to conduct appropriate researches. Introduction to the industry: The industry is one of the biggest and most refined in India and also in the world which provides the latest technology not only to the fast growing multinational companies but also to the global market. Some of the worlds biggest engineering companies largely depend on the automotive industry of India. It is a diverse industry with a number of segments, and can be broadly categorized into two segments as follows: (1) Heavy engineering (2) Light engineering The engineering sector is relatively less fragmented at the top, as the competencies required are high, while it is highly fragmented at the lower end (e.g. unbranded transformers for the retail segment) and is dominated by smaller players. The engineering industry in India manufactures a wide range of products, with heavy engineering goods accounting for bulk of the production. Most of the leading players are engaged in the production of heavy engineering goods and mainly produces high-value products using high-end technology. Requirement of high level of capital investment poses as a major entry barrier. Consequently, the small and unorganised firms have a small market presence. The light engineering goods segment, on the other hand, uses medium to low-end technology. Entry barrier is low on account of the comparatively lower requirement of capital and technology. This segment is characterized by the dominance of small and unorganized players which manufacture low-value added products. Classification of the Engineering Sector in India Source: Portors five forces framework: Following are the external environment of engineering industry by analyzing the Porters 5 forces: Source: The five forces are as follows: 1 The threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrants for engineering industry in India it is a very low threat Factors to examine for this threat of new entrant in India is include all barriers to entry into this market such as upfront capital requirements, brand equity (a new firm may have none), legislation and government policies, (safety) ability to distribute the product . 2 The bargaining power of buyers/customers: Customers consider both purpose and price; the engineering companies are attempting to produce engineering products that compete in various price segments. In India bargaining power is lower which is creating a more favorable situation for the engineering industry but not the buyers. The quantity a buyer purchases is usually a good factor in determining this force, even in the engineeringwhen buyers only usually purchase one \ at a time, they still possess considerable power (Car freaks, 2008-10). However, this may be different in other markets. 3. The threat of substitute: In Singapore the threat of substitute is high because of the numerous other forms of transportation substitutes are available, but none of them offer the utility, convenience, independence, and value afforded by sport cars. Substitutes such as rental cars, Sport bike industry, Rental Sport car clubs like Luxe sport club in Singapore Millionaire asia singapore, 2010). (For details please refer Appendix no 4) 4 The bargaining power of supplier: The bargaining power of supplier is low in Singapore because of the availability of substitutes and the amount of competition in the sport car industry. Suppliers dont have a great deal of influence in the terms of supplying the sport cars parts. The sport car industry which refers to all the suppliers for the parts, such as tires, components, electronics, and even the assembly line workers. Some suppliers are small firms who rely on the carmakers, and may only have one carmaker as a client. So this force can be tricky to evaluate in the sport car industry in Singapore market (For details please refer to appendix no 5). 5. The competitive rivalry within an industry: In Singapore sport car industry competition between existing automobile companies is high because sport car carmakers are engaged in fierce competition. Prices, ad campaigns, and product developments keep them on the edge of innovation and profitability. Margins are low and pressure between rivals is high. This may cause the sport industry earning lower profits when the cost of the competition is high (Car freaks, 2008-10). PESTEL ANALYSIS: Source: Well use the PESTEL to analyze the macro-environmental changes and influences on the engineering industry; Political: Majority of the companies like, etc. have their manufacturing plants in India because of cheap labour and low cost of production. But these countries are usually politically unstable and can create hindrance for the companies. Economic: Economic slowdown such as the recent recession can have negative impact on production and sales of the engineering companies. Also other economic factors like the economic policies of European Union member countries make it tougher for the industry participants to penetrate the engineering market. Socio-cultural: The social and cultural restraints and obligations directly affect the buying pattern of people, the brand loyalty, female share of the market, etc. also the companies now-a-days thrive to keep up with corporate social responsibility to maintain their Public relegation status. Technological: The technology keeps changing and varying from place to place. Techonology plays a vital part in the engineering industry. The engineering manufacturing companies have to keep abreast with the changing technology so as not to give a competitive edge to competitors by speeding up their change of products and designing ability. Environmental: Many industry participants have become aware of environmental hazards and are putting in efforts to do their bit for environment and the society with activities like Legal: Companies in the engineering industry in India face many legal matters usually pertaining to labour wages, working conditions, etc. or that of contract manufacturing and copying of products or ones related to trade agreement. Structural drivers of change for Engineering industry: I have identified some of the drivers of changes that have impact on the engineering industry. The following are the structural drivers which bring about changes in the industry; Technology: Technology is the most vital driver of change in engineering industry. Introduction of internet has sky-rocketed the sales for the companies. Also it helps the RD departments to come out with new engineering products quickly and efficiently. Industry driver: lamborghini_headquarters_italy Source: Related and supporting industries are extremely important because engineering product manufacturers live and die by creative and innovative design engineering (Automotive industry, 2010). India offers support to other industries such as, steel, rubber, petroleum, oil gas, transportation industries. Indias infrastructural facilities helps to setup a engineering industry in form of power supply, machinery, capital, raw materials and labour which will raise foreign direct investments have led to the rapid growth in terms of engineering goods production and exports (European foundation, 2004). Mergers and Take-overs:- t=1usg=__vO8BPfXSsu76pCVOchvBejU2hUg= Source: One of the most significant drivers of growth in the engineering industry is the trend of mergers and acquisitions. Such buyouts and mergers enable manufactures to build up their technology and service scale up to the mark, the two factors essential to gain competitive edge. Outsourcing of design and engineering functions, leading to growth in companies offers high value-added Services. Life cycle model for the industry: C:UsersVishikadDesktoplife cycle.bmp Source: Adopted from (Johnson et al., 2008) The Engineering industry as per the life cycle model shown above is currently at the Shakeout stage for the following reasons: The buyers are becoming more selective of their purchases due to brand loyalty and performance according to their own preferences taste. Also as far as the competitive conditions are concerned, the major engineering products manufactures have started innovations and sales promotion activities to attract more and more buyers towards companys product range. The engineering companies also trying to shakeout their industry rivals by acquisition or merger processes with other engineering manufactures. This way they can have their monopoly over the engineering markets as well as minimising the competition within the engineering sector. Scenarios for Long term future of the industry: The following scenarios based on the research on Indias engineering industry that indicates the possible long term future of the industry (1) Scenario: Increase in sales, product diversification advanced RD: The attitude of selling the products into engineering market is changing day by day. Engineering companies trying to connect with the customer directly. This will done by opening up showroom or signing contracts with large MNCS like Also the engineering product makers will focus on advanced RD whereby, they not only focus onperticular group of buyers. Also the companies are diversifying their products more too international engineering product manufactures. This scenario will benefit the industry in the following manner; It will help engineering companies to connect with their buyers and thus understand their likes, dislikes and expectations, preferences about companies offering. The companies can get direct feedback on their products so that they can improve on overall performance of the company. .Most Likely Scenario: The most likely scenario applicable in the future is the 3rd scenario. Following are the reasons supporting my conclusion; The companies can alter their engineering products, design as per the customer reaction to their previous products. This can be done by feedbacks and data collected which wont be lost or manipulated as itll directly go to the company. The companies are already starting to do intense and advanced RD to introduce new technological aspects The customers are always keen on trying out new exciting products and the failure of such products is very rare. Also the Engineering industry is growing at a rapid pace. All other industries are now trying to sell their products at retail prices which is the same the Engineering industry is going to do in the future. Conclusion: In India the future of engineering industry seems encouraging. In terms of the expected surge in global demand and rise in foreign investments. Several trends such as developed markets, globalization, technology advances, regulation and environmental consideration, and market fragmentation and product diversification will result in the rapid growth of this Engineering industry in India.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Shakespeares Hamlet - The Character of Gertrude Essay examples -- GCS
Hamlet – the Character of Gertrude     Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet, presents ten male characters for every one female character. The only prominent female characters are two: Ophelia, Laertes’ sister and Polonius’ daughter; and Gertrude, the queen and wife of Claudius and mother of Hamlet. This essay will explore the character, role, and importance of Gertrude.  Prince Hamlet initially appears in the play dressed in solemn black. His mother, Gertrude, is apparently disturbed by this and requests of him:      Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted colour off,     And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark.     Do not for ever with thy vailed lids     Seek for thy noble father in the dust:     Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die,     Passing through nature to eternity. (1.2)  The queen obviously considers her son’s dejection to result from his father’s demise. She joins in with the king in requesting Hamlet’s stay in Elsinore rather than returning to Wittenberg to study. Respectfully the son replies, â€Å"I shall in all my best obey you, madam.†So at the outset the audience notes a decidedly good relationship between Gertrude and those about her in the drama, even though Hamlet’s â€Å"suit of mourning has been a visible and public protest against the royal marriage, a protest in which he is completely alone, and in which he has hurt his mother†(Burton â€Å"Hamlet†). Hamlet’s first soliloquy expresses his anger at the quickness of his mother’s marriage to Claudius, and its incestuousness since it is between family: â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman! . . . .† When the ghost talks privately to Hamlet, he learns not only about the murder of his father, but also about th... ...the climax approaches, Osric invites Hamlet to a rapier contest with Laertes. During the match Gertrude drinks from the cup poisoned by the king to kill Hamlet. As she dies, she speaks, â€Å"The drink, the drink! I am poisoned,†which words motivate Laertes to confess that the king is behind the treachery. Thus he dies by Hamlet’s hand. Then Hamlet and Laertes die, wounded by the poisoned sword meant for Hamlet. Thus, once again, Gertrude is pivotal, is crucial for plot development.  WORKS CITED  Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms, 7th ed. New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999.  Burton, Philip. â€Å"Hamlet.†In The Sole Voice. New York: The Dial Press, 1970. No pag.  Jorgensen, Paul A. â€Å"Hamlet.† No pag.
Ancient Egypt :: Ancient Egypt Egyptian History
Ancient Egypt One of the most interesting aspects of ancient Egypt is its religion. The depth of Egyptian thinking and rich imagination displayed in the creation of ideas and images of the gods and goddesses is beyond compare. On elaborating their beliefs, the Egyptians were working on the cosmic plane searching for an understanding of the most basic laws of the universe (Religion). The ancient Egyptians instilled their religion into every aspect of life including their art and architecture. The Egyptians were humanistic, naturalistic and polytheistic in their ardent faith. They were humanistic in that they worshiped man, particularly the pharaoh; naturalistic in that they deified the forces of nature; and polytheistic in that they believed in thousands of gods and goddesses (Thompson). These gods were responsible for all aspects of their existence (Cunningham). The Egyptians saw no distinction between the creator and his creation. They believed the gods to be powers, which could be manipulated by man for his own benefit (Thompson). Because they believed in so many gods, the Egyptians invented rituals to praise them all. The rituals in turn affected the daily life of every Egyptian (Soul). These deities included Hathor, the goddess of beauty and love; Bes, the god of war; Anibus, the god of death; and Hapi, the god of the Nile. The Egyptians also praised animals such as, the jackal and the cat (Cunningham). The Egyptians treasured life in this world and did everything in their power to ensure immortality in the next life (Thompson). The ancient Egyptians attitude towards death was influenced by their belief in immortality. They regarded death as the beginning of life, instead of the end (Life). All Egyptians were offered the hope of survival in the next world as a reward for a good life in a form that was thought of in literal, physical terms (Cunningham). The funerary customs and beliefs of the Egyptians called for the preservation of the body and ample provisions for the afterlife (O'Brien). Of the provisions provided for the afterlife were food, drink, clothing, and boats. They buried two boats with the deceased so that they would have a smooth sail into their after life (Soul). The funeral rites with their meaning were described in a series of sacred text known collectively as the Book of The Dead (Cunningham). Osiris was the god who presided over the ceremonies (Cunningham). The Egyptians further conjectured that the deceased would go before the god Anibus, and if they passed a series of sacred test they would eventually move on to live with the gods for all eternity (Hieronimus).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Free Essay on the Grangerfords’ World in Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays
Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - The Grangerfords’ World     Huckleberry Finn provides the narrative voice of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and his honest voice combined with his personal vulnerabilities reveal the different levels of the Grangerfords’ world. Huck is without a family: neither the drunken attention of Pap nor the pious ministrations of Widow Douglas were desirable allegiance. He stumbles upon the Grangerfords in darkness, lost from Jim and the raft. The family, after some initial cross-examination, welcomes, feeds and rooms Huck with an amiable boy his age. With the light of the next morning, Huck estimates "it was a mighty nice family, and a mighty nice house, too"(110). This is the first of many compliments Huck bestows on the Grangerfords and their possessions. Huck is impressed by all of the Grangerfords’ belongings and liberally offers compliments. The books are piled on the table "perfectly exact"(111), the table had a cover made from "beautiful oilcloth"(111), and a book was filled with "beautiful stuff and poetry"(111). He even appraises the chairs, noting they are "nice split-bottom chairs, and perfectly sound, too--not bagged down in the middle and busted, like an old basket"(111). It is apparent Huck is more familiar with busted chairs than sound ones, and he appreciates the distinction. Huck is also more familiar with flawed families than loving, virtuous ones, and he is happy to sing the praises of the people who took him in. Col. Grangerford "was a gentleman all over; and so was his family"(116). The Colonel was kind, well-mannered, quiet and far from frivolish. Everyone wanted to be around him, and he gave Huck confidence. Unlike the drunken Pap, the Colonel dressed well, was clean-shaven and his face had "not a sign of red in it anywheres" (116). Huck admired how the Colonel gently ruled his family with hints of a submerged temper. The same temper exists in one of his daughters: "she had a look that would make you wilt in your tracks, like her father. She was beautiful"(117). Huck does not think negatively of the hints of iron in the people he is happy to care for and let care for him. He does not ask how three of the Colonels’s sons died, or why the family brings guns to family picnics. He sees these as small facets of a family with "a handsome lot of quality" (118).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Toys R Us
When Toys R Us declared bankruptcy it broke the news, people everywhere were devastated, this company was every kids dream: a cornucopia of toys and games. When they announced that 180 stores would be closing and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, naturally the internet went into an uproar. Users everywhere posted about how devastated they were about Toys R Us closing and how the store was an important aspect of their childhood. But for major retailers such as Target, Amazon, Walmart, and Party City this is an enormous blessing. These stores are now gearing their focus toward our youth and tapping into the newly open market for toys. For decades Toys R Us was the place to buy toys, you could get a doll or maybe a stuffed animal at Walmart or Target, but if you wanted a vast selection of various playthings to choose from you went to Toys R Us. These corporations are offering new toys, extra store space and demonstrations for their shoppers. Just recently Party City established fifty new toy shops complete with enormous Lego dinosaurs and a variety of hands on experiences (designed to entertain kids just like Toys R Us). Amazon is even rumored to be creating a holiday toy catalog, which is predicted to boost their toy profits from fifteen to twenty percent by the end of 2018. Toys R Us closing created a drastic impact on citizens, not just for their loyal customers but when the company filed for bankruptcy they were estimated to put thirty thousand employees out of business. In addition to not having a job, these workers were not given any severance pay whatsoever. Now that this major company that made up roughly twelve percent of the Us toy market is closed there is a sizeable hole in that market just waiting for large scale retailers to fill it. Because of this company declaring bankruptcy, laying off thousands, and closing their stores other retailers get a chance to dominate the toy market. An example of this would be Walmart expanding their instore and online toy selection and being labeled as the country's best toy store. Toys R Us closing will not only impact their workers, but parents whose primary toy supplier is this company. In the article it mentioned a mother who as soon as hearing that they were closing rushed off to buy their toys, so her children wouldn't have to deal with the future scarcity. All in all Toys R Us closing has affected the economy by creating a twelve percent gap in the toy market that major retailers are rushing to fill, impacted kids because they will no longer be able to visit their favorite store, and wrecked their employees lives by cutting off their source of income and refusing to pay severance. While reading this article I was a saddened a little thinking about the kids who won't get to go to their beloved establishment, but not at all surprised that companies are seizing the opportunity to replenish the U.S. toy market. It made sense that Toys R Us filled for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy since they were unable to pay their debts, and had been unable to do so for quite some time. Them closing just means that that particular store won't sell their goods anymore, because of that their consumers will have to take their money elsewhere now. Toys R Us filing for bankruptcy and other companies playing catch up in their toy department doesn't truly affect me, since I haven't set foot in a Toys R Us for almost a decade. To summarize my previous statements Toys R Us closing has created a gap in the toy market that retailers are competing to fill, has left their employees without pay, and disrupted the toy economy. Toys R Us When Toys R Us declared bankruptcy it broke the news, people everywhere were devastated, this company was every kids dream: a cornucopia of toys and games. When they announced that 180 stores would be closing and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, naturally the internet went into an uproar. Users everywhere posted about how devastated they were about Toys R Us closing and how the store was an important aspect of their childhood. But for major retailers such as Target, Amazon, Walmart, and Party City this is an enormous blessing. These stores are now gearing their focus toward our youth and tapping into the newly open market for toys. For decades Toys R Us was the place to buy toys, you could get a doll or maybe a stuffed animal at Walmart or Target, but if you wanted a vast selection of various playthings to choose from you went to Toys R Us. These corporations are offering new toys, extra store space and demonstrations for their shoppers. Just recently Party City established fifty new toy shops complete with enormous Lego dinosaurs and a variety of hands on experiences (designed to entertain kids just like Toys R Us). Amazon is even rumored to be creating a holiday toy catalog, which is predicted to boost their toy profits from fifteen to twenty percent by the end of 2018. Toys R Us closing created a drastic impact on citizens, not just for their loyal customers but when the company filed for bankruptcy they were estimated to put thirty thousand employees out of business. In addition to not having a job, these workers were not given any severance pay whatsoever. Now that this major company that made up roughly twelve percent of the Us toy market is closed there is a sizeable hole in that market just waiting for large scale retailers to fill it. Because of this company declaring bankruptcy, laying off thousands, and closing their stores other retailers get a chance to dominate the toy market. An example of this would be Walmart expanding their instore and online toy selection and being labeled as the country's best toy store. Toys R Us closing will not only impact their workers, but parents whose primary toy supplier is this company. In the article it mentioned a mother who as soon as hearing that they were closing rushed off to buy their toys, so her children wouldn't have to deal with the future scarcity. All in all Toys R Us closing has affected the economy by creating a twelve percent gap in the toy market that major retailers are rushing to fill, impacted kids because they will no longer be able to visit their favorite store, and wrecked their employees lives by cutting off their source of income and refusing to pay severance. While reading this article I was a saddened a little thinking about the kids who won't get to go to their beloved establishment, but not at all surprised that companies are seizing the opportunity to replenish the U.S. toy market. It made sense that Toys R Us filled for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy since they were unable to pay their debts, and had been unable to do so for quite some time. Them closing just means that that particular store won't sell their goods anymore, because of that their consumers will have to take their money elsewhere now. Toys R Us filing for bankruptcy and other companies playing catch up in their toy department doesn't truly affect me, since I haven't set foot in a Toys R Us for almost a decade. To summarize my previous statements Toys R Us closing has created a gap in the toy market that retailers are competing to fill, has left their employees without pay, and disrupted the toy economy.
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