Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Ironic Symbolism in The Lottery Essay Example
Ironic Symbolism in The Lottery Paper Throughout the story of The Lottery, symbolisms are apparent. Shirley Jackson sets the scene of the story as bright and magnificently beautiful in the beginning, but as the story continues that scene is destroyed and replaced by what some would consider quite disturbing. The Lottery takes the road less traveled in route to its disturbing nature. Symbolisms provided by Shirley Jackson provide her audience with the knowledge to make sense of the ironic chaos abound. Three symbolisms stand prevalent above all other in, The Lottery; the three-legged stool, the black box, and the lottery itself. The three-legged stool that is mentioned in Shirley’s story happens to display important symbolism for her story. The three legs of the stool seemingly represent the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirt). As a representation of life, forgiveness, and hope the stool (Holy Trinity) is used to support the black box when a random drawing was in process. The Stool’s employment of supporting the black box in The Lottery represents the manipulative involvement of people in religion to support collective violence. There also lies irony in the symbolism. It is ironic that the stool represents the Holy Trinity and yet it supports the black box which symbolizes death, evil, fear, and mystery. The placement of the stool as the centerpiece of the square room highlights the mystery of the box and also the symbolism of the three-legged stool. We will write a custom essay sample on Ironic Symbolism in The Lottery specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ironic Symbolism in The Lottery specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ironic Symbolism in The Lottery specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The black box that sets atop the three-legged stool has two major symbolic qualities being its shape (box) and its color (black). Black, the color of the box represents death, evil, fear, and mystery. The random drawing from the black box constructs fear and mystery in the people anticipating the drawing. Evil soon ensues to turn people who once had high morals into bigots. And the random drawing selection process is capped off by death whom presents itself through a thorough stoning of the â€Å"lu
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Euripides’ Perspective
Euripides’ Perspective Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned. Most people are familiar with this phrase, but often do not fully think about what this statement means. It means that a scorned woman’s actions aren’t comparable, even to what atrocities Hell has to offer. To say that a scorned woman’s vengefulness is to be more feared than anything in Hell is a pretty outlandish statement. It means that a woman who has been scorned is more powerful than the worst place imaginable. The theme of a â€Å"woman scorned†is definitely prevalent through out the story of Medea, which was written by Euripides, the legendary Greek playwright. Euripides voiced his opinions about Greek society, through his characters. By using the characters in his plays to comment on Greek society, Euripides was able to expose his audience to new perspectives on women’s roles in society, as well as new perspectives on religion. To summarize the story of Medea, Jason and Medea are living in Corinth with their two children. Having moved there, all of them are considered outsiders; thus they find no role for themselves in this new society. As a male of Greek heritage, Jason has a problem with this. To solve his problem, Jason plans to marry King Creon’s daughter, abandoning his family. King Creon then exiles Medea from Corinth. Needless to say, Medea is very upset about this situation. She conspires to kill King Creon’s daughter, along with her own children, just to make Jason suffer. She sends the princess a poisoned dress. Once the princess puts it on, she bursts into flames. The king then comes in, embraces his daughter’s body, which melts him to her, and then he himself dies. Then, upon hearing of their deaths, Medea puts her final action into place. She proceeds to kill her own children. She kills her own children because she knows that is the only thing that will avenge w hat Jason did to her. It is the only way to make him tr... Free Essays on Euripides’ Perspective Free Essays on Euripides’ Perspective Euripides’ Perspective Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned. Most people are familiar with this phrase, but often do not fully think about what this statement means. It means that a scorned woman’s actions aren’t comparable, even to what atrocities Hell has to offer. To say that a scorned woman’s vengefulness is to be more feared than anything in Hell is a pretty outlandish statement. It means that a woman who has been scorned is more powerful than the worst place imaginable. The theme of a â€Å"woman scorned†is definitely prevalent through out the story of Medea, which was written by Euripides, the legendary Greek playwright. Euripides voiced his opinions about Greek society, through his characters. By using the characters in his plays to comment on Greek society, Euripides was able to expose his audience to new perspectives on women’s roles in society, as well as new perspectives on religion. To summarize the story of Medea, Jason and Medea are living in Corinth with their two children. Having moved there, all of them are considered outsiders; thus they find no role for themselves in this new society. As a male of Greek heritage, Jason has a problem with this. To solve his problem, Jason plans to marry King Creon’s daughter, abandoning his family. King Creon then exiles Medea from Corinth. Needless to say, Medea is very upset about this situation. She conspires to kill King Creon’s daughter, along with her own children, just to make Jason suffer. She sends the princess a poisoned dress. Once the princess puts it on, she bursts into flames. The king then comes in, embraces his daughter’s body, which melts him to her, and then he himself dies. Then, upon hearing of their deaths, Medea puts her final action into place. She proceeds to kill her own children. She kills her own children because she knows that is the only thing that will avenge w hat Jason did to her. It is the only way to make him tr...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Artistic and Livelihood Rights versus Morality Issues in Anti-Lap Assignment
Artistic and Livelihood Rights versus Morality Issues in Anti-Lap Dancing Ordinance - Assignment Example With a diminishing tax base, the city direly needs new livelihood sources. City council members and residents are divided on whether the emerging businesses of strip bars and pornographic moviemakers can save the city’s economy. They also believed that said ordinance was the first step to killing this industry. Mary Macy, 40, a former city council member said: â€Å"Adult entertainment businesses are a blight to any neighborhood. They attract a variety of criminal activity, including prostitution and drug use.†Council member Tonis Zaslow, 35, believed that they are not against new businesses, but opposed to the negative effects of the sex industry on their culture and health. Zaslow said: â€Å"This is just good government. We need to protect citizens from the transmission of sexual diseases, litter and condoms in our streets, drugs sold to children.†What several saw as depraved, others perceived as fun and legitimate livelihoods. George Rappaport, dressed in a business suit, thought that the ordinance was a killjoy: â€Å"I love lap dances. Who doesn’t? I say you’re banning this because you’ve never had one. You guys and gals should get one before you vote.†Bambi Newman, 27, is an actress, a stripper, and a single mom with a daughter. She argued that lap dancing is her right to artistic expression and a source of legitimate livelihood.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Book review,William Shawcross,Deliver Us From Evil Essay
Book review,William Shawcross,Deliver Us From Evil - Essay Example Unlimited powers, aided by astonishing schineitif and technological achievements have rendered the task or peace more difficult. A small mistake by the decision making authority could result in enormous losses to humanity. The war of push-buttons is unimaginably calamitous than the war of weapons that were used by the war-machine during the I and II World Wars. William Showcross shows the great duress under which Kofi Annan functioned. Failure of men like Kofi Annan is the failure of UN, as Showcross puts it succinctly. The purpose of the book, broadly speaking, is to highlight why UN fails in its avowed objectives of establishing peace in the troubled regions. For example, about Iraq, he writes, when United States and Britain did bombings for four days, in 1998, Annan made a short statement, â€Å"This is a sad day for the United Nations, and for the worldâ€â€it is also a very sad day for me personally.†(Showcross, p. 33) Showcross has highlighted in the book, how the Secretary General, has to work under very difficult circumstances, will be squarely blamed by the suffering people, for allegedly taking sides with the super powers like USA, UK and USSR. Another war will result in total destruction of the world. But regional conflicts are on the rise, threaten world peace, and the unexpected conflagrations can not be ruled out. T herefore, the legal arguments for humanitarian intervention, is necessitated and the world leaders have no other option but to pursue it vigorously. The book highlights the lack of international intelligence system to facilitate the global converge and public education required to mobilize and sustain multi-national peacekeeping operations. From the financial perspective, UN peace keeping operations depend upon the funding by the contributing nations. Whether they will provide the incremental assistance required during the big peace-keeping operations
Sunday, November 17, 2019
How Does the Iranian Nuclear Program Affect the GCC Countries National Research Paper - 1
How Does the Iranian Nuclear Program Affect the GCC Countries National Security - Research Paper Example the United States and the United Kingdom proved that Iran had the economic strength to support its nuclear program and so the worry arose on the consequences of such an expedition on the security of the world and that of the GCC countries (Hagel & Loeb, 2014). The resistance that the whole project has faced has been as a result of the concerns that such a serious and delicate process can cause to the whole world. While the GCC countries feel that it is their right to take care of the world by controlling such a process involving nuclear power, the Iranians feel that the concerns being raised are pre-textual and malicious and aimed at preventing it from getting the nuclear power that it needs urgently (BBC News, 2014). According to Hagel & Loeb, 2014 the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has expressed its concerns over the Iranian nuclear program. The GCC countries include the Kingdom of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates. These countries possess a significant economic interdependence both in economic, politics, culture and also in religion. Since Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are major Oil exporting hubs, they have a significant economic dependence and setting of policies that govern the oil trade. On the other, Qatar is well known for producing natural gas and since this lies in line with the oil production it serves as a uniting factor among the countries. Almost all citizens in the GCC countries are Muslims which serves as a uniting and common factor to help unite them further. The political status of the countries in the GCC umbrella is based on the Islamic religion as it is the dominant one in the region. Though Iran is not a member of the GCC, the nuclear program has been viewed as a direct threat to the GCC countries and so they have resisted it in one accord. The national security of any country involves maintaining the survival of the state through the use of its economic power and setting of foreign
Friday, November 15, 2019
Contrastive analysis
Contrastive analysis Contrastive analysis(CA) is a method to distinguish between what are needed and not needed to learn by the target language(TL) learner by evaluating languages (M.Gass Selinker, 2008). In addition, CA is a technique to identify whether two languages have something in common, which assess both similarities and differences in languages, conforming to the belief in language universals. (Johnson, 1999). Both statements indicate that CA holds a principle which is important in order to identify what are required by the TL learner to learn in TL and what are not. If there is no familiar characteristic in the languages, it indicates that the learner might have difficulty in learning the TL. While much could be said about comparing languages, a more important aspect is about the influence from TL in first language (L1). â€Å"Contrastive analysis stresses the influence of the mother tongue in learning a second language in phonological, morphological, lexical and syntactic levels. It holds that second language would be affected by first language†(Jie, 2008, p. 36). On the same score, Wardhaugh asserts that first language of TA learners can clarify all â€Å"errors†that are constantly made them. These arguments prove that the errors make by the TL learner are explainable in the L1. Indeed, this idea is conformed to the rule of CA, which believes in language universal. However, this analysis has disadvantages. In Susan M. Gass and Larry Selinker words, they believe that this analysis is questioned because of the concept of difficulty as the basic theory of the CA is concerning the difficultness. If an error is made by a person, this shows that the person has a problem in some area, not because of the native language. Thus, we cannot presume that fluency of a target language learner is depending on the nature of L1. There are more aspects that related to this matter. â€Å"There are other factors that may influence the process of acquisition such as innate principle of language, attitude, motivation, aptitude, age, other languages known†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (M.Gass Selinker, 2008). Next, CA cannot detect some difficulties experienced by the TL learners. For example, â€Å"Je vois les/elle/la/le†. â€Å"I see them/her/her/him†(this phrase is impossible in French) (Choi, 2009). Error analysis (EA) is â€Å"a type of linguistic analysis that focuses on the errors learners make†(M.Gass Selinker, 2008). This analysis is almost the same with the weak version of CA which is comparing the errors which made by TL learners. However, EA is not evaluating the errors with TL native language (NL), but it compares with the TL. â€Å" Error analysis provides a broader range of possible explanations than contrastive analysis for researchers/teachers to use account for errors, as the latter only attributed errors to the native language†(M.Gass Selinker, 2008). I do agree with Gass and Selinker because as Corder (1967) says that by producing errors, it shows that the learners are progressing and participating. This statement is supported by the interlanguage theory, as according to Christina Gitsaki; â€Å"†¦interlanguage is seen as a kind of interim grammar gradually progressing towards the target language grammar†There are two categories of sources of errors which are interlingual and intralingual. Interlingual errors are kind of errors produced because of influence of the NL. Intralingual error happens when learners try to make a new rule for the target language. Example of interlingual error is, the word â€Å"rumah-rumah†in Malay Language can be said in English as â€Å"houses†. However, the learners would say as â€Å"house-house†. The TL learners mixed the lexical from the NL with the TL. Example of intralingual error is the word â€Å"telah†in Malay Language represents â€Å"was/were/had†in English. That is no doubt that a Malay learner would construct a sentence like this, â€Å"She were playing badminton†(wrong) â€Å"Dia telah bermain badminton†â€Å"She was playing badminton†(correct) The first sentence happens because there is no past tense marker in Malay language. So it becomes a problem for Malay learners since the TL and NL share different tenses. EA gives an important role because it makes the errors not as unwanted but as guidance to assess how the learners progress in TL. It also detects lots of errors, more than CA does. EA also recognizes the learners acknowledgement of language system. Besides, it also can categorized errors made by learners according to a system. However, EA is totally depends on errors made by learners. It is also cannot explain about what are classified as errors and non errors. In addition, EA as a mode of inquiry was limited in its scope and concentrated on what learners did wrong rather than on what made them successful (Larsen-Freeman, 1991). This shows that EA cannot cover lots of aspects since it is bounded by its range and errors are temptation for error analyzer. Statements a) There may be covert errors, A classic example from Corder (1981) is the German speaker who says â€Å"You must not take off your hat†when the intent is â€Å"You dont have to take off your hat†. In what sense is this error? In what sense it is not? According to Joachim Wagner (2007), James (1998) uses the term covert error to describe a genuine language error which results in a sentence which is syntactically well-formed under some interpretation different from the intended one. This means that there is no wrong about a dubious sentence but the understanding by both speaker and receiver are important. The statement â€Å"You must not take off your hat†is not wrong in the sense of German speaker but in English, the choice of the word or modal verb is wrong. The modal verb â€Å"must not†is not appropriate in this context. That modal verb means to prohibit or disallow the action of taking off the hat. The German speaker, literally, wants to say that the person does not have to take off his hat. However, instead of trying to convey a positive transfer sentence, the German speaker makes a negative transfer sentence. According to Jie (2008): â€Å"In the course of language learning, L1 learning habits will be transferred into L2 learning habits. Therefore, in the case of L1 transfer into L2, if structures in the MT have their corresponding structures in the TL and L1 habits can be successfully used in the L2, learners would transfer similar properties successfully and that would result in positive transfer. Contrastingly, in the case of negative transfer or interference, certain elements of the MT have no corresponding counterparts in the TL, L1 habits would cause errors in the L2, and learners would transfer inappropriate properties of L1†In other words, the German speaker forms a sentence in English, which has the same properties with the German language but unfortunately, the sentence is wrong in the sense of CA. Error in this statement can be referred to the L1 speaker. In Robert Lados words (1957:p.2): â€Å"The ‘fundamental assumption is transfer; ‘individuals tend to transfer the forms and meanings, and the distribution of forms and meanings of their native language and culture to the foreign language and culture†. I agree with Robert Lado since the German speaker tends to use direct translation if both languages properties are same to make a complete sentence. In this context, both German Language and English have the same grammatical order. For example, in German Language and English, the word order is subject + verb + other elements sentences. 1. er schlagt mir. (Subject) (Verb) (Other element) 2. He beats me. (Subject) (Verb) (Other element) Because of the structure similarity between German language and English, there is no syntax problem. Though, in the context of lexicon, the German speaker seems to confuse because in German language, there is no auxiliary verb â€Å"do†. German language only has â€Å"must†and the German speaker uses â€Å"must†as the word is quite similar to â€Å"do†, in his or her judgment. This error also happens to a Malay leaner. In Malay language, â€Å"tidak†is represented by â€Å"is not†and â€Å"do not†. For example, in Malay, the sentence, 1.â€Å"Dia tidak sempurna†(Subject) (Negation) (Predicate) Is written in English as 2.â€Å"He is not perfect†(Subject) (Negation) (Predicate) However, because of there are two negations that represent the word â€Å"tidak†, there is no doubt the sentence below, will be produced by Malay learners. 3. â€Å"He does not perfect†(Subject) (Negation) (Predicate) The first statement is logical but the second statement shows that errors and transferred inappropriate properties those made by TL learners because of the differences between the L1 and the TL. Clearly, the German speaker is struggling in choosing the right vocabulary although the error does not give an obvious picture of the difficulty. This is because, in his or her point of view, the usage of â€Å"must not†is correct even though the sentence has covert error. However, this justification cannot measure the degree of difficulty that the German speaker has. We cannot say that the German speaker is weak in English and not progressing. This error shows that the German speaker is in the process of improving his or her target language. From EA point of view, the German speaker made an intralingual error. The German speaker made an error in his or her sentence because of native language influence. He or she over generalizes the function of modal verb to make this sentence. Overgeneralization means â€Å"The introduction of a nonstandard or previously non-existent spelling or verb form when a speaker or writer makes an analogy to a regular spelling or a regular verb†(Wheeler, 2009) â€Å"You do not have to take off your hat†(correct sentence) â€Å"You must not take off your hat†(Over generalize the modal verb function) The German speaker believes that the statement is grammatically correct. The German speaker tries to simplify his or her task by employing this rule. He or she makes his or her own analogy by taking words that do not carry contrast for him or her. However, due to cross linguistic action, the modal verb being used is wrong, in terms of its function. In addition, this speaker seems that he or she does not master the function of the modal verb although the sentence is correct, literally. Besides, the German speaker does not know the correct modal verb in English to carry his or her intentional meaning. As a result, an ambiguous sentence has come out although the German speaker intention is to give suggestion. This also happens to Spanish learners. They would say 1. â€Å"He went to the market and buy a chicken†instead of 2. â€Å"He went to the market and bought a chicken†. They choose wrong tense and alter the word meaning. b. It might be more appropriate to talk about TL-behaviour. The fact that a learner has produced a correct form/sentence in a language does not necessarily mean that it is right. Target language like behavior from the grammatical point of view is happen when target language learners construct a sentence or a phrase because they have learnt the target language grammatical rules. However, the construction of sentence might or might not correct. As example, Malay learners would create a sentence like this â€Å"I eated the fruit†instead of â€Å"I ate the fruit†. From CA point of view, this error occurs because past tense is a new category for Malay learners. Although, the learners seem alert with the past tense rule which is -ed and subject verb agreement but they forget about past irregular form. They think that they have mastered the rules but they forgot about irregular verb rule. However, CA does not explain about the difficulty from the target language point of view. CA cannot give the correct degree of difficulty. Moreover, from the speakers perspective, they might think that the sentence is no wrong even with the covert error. So, we cannot say that the speakers are having difficulty to understand the rule since they can produce a correct form of sentence but with covert error. On the other hand, from error analysis point of view, a sentence like â€Å"You must not take off your hat†evens the intention of the speaker is â€Å"You do not have to take off your hat†is correct. The structure of the sentence is correct and there is no mistake produces. However, the meaning of the sentence is distorted. This is because, error analysis is totally depends on errors but not the usage of the sentence. Though, to the speaker perspective, this is a correct sentence since there is no grammatical mistake. On the other hand, the solidness of the first sentence makes the EA is useless to explain this sentence. So, even the sentence is wrong according to CAH, but it is consider as correct to EA. C.It is not always possible to provide a single explanation for interlanguage data. Interlanguage is the way the learner develops the target language knowledge. This term was produced by Selinker (1972) â€Å" Interlanguage refers to the structured system which learner constructs at any given stage in the development†. There are strategies apply by the learners to progress in target language such as transfer. Transfer is â€Å"Influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously (and perhaps imperfectly) acquired (Ellis, 1997). Interlanguage is systematic and dynamic. Interlanguage is systematic because the rules are efficiently selected by the learners and the way the TL learners acquired TL is the same with native speaker acquires NL. Interlanguage is dynamic because the learners interlanguage is continuously shifting. The learners tend to make new rules in one context and so on. In addition, this process form the approach to study the way the target language acquires by the learner. Though, this strategy does not apply to the target language learner alone, they also depict the way the children learn their native language. For example, an English child might come out with non-English like sentence. English Like Non-English Like She came yesterday. She comed yesterday This happens because the children generalize the rules. It is possible to say that the children already acquired the rule of tenses but they failed to apply them in certain circumstances. This also happens to the target language learners. For example, problem in pluralizing word. English Like Non-English Like Singular-mouse Plural-mice Singular-mouse Plural-mouses The word â€Å"mice†is always forgotten as plural form of a mouse. Instead of saying â€Å"mice†, the target language learners who apply interlanguage generalization strategy would say â€Å"mouses†. This might occur because of L1 interference. For instance, in Malay Language, the word â€Å"mouse†is â€Å"tikus†. However, there is no such word as â€Å"mice†in Malay language. So, Malay learners would go for â€Å"mouses†instead of â€Å"mice†. From CA perspective, these examples show that the learners have difficulties in pluralizing because of differences between the L1 and the TL. However, the first example proves that the NL speaker can make the same mistake as the TL learners. CA can be used to analyze the second example but it is not valid for the first example. In addition, from EA point of view, the learners would find that they make errors. On the other hand, EA still does not give the correct view of learners linguistic behavior. The first example explains that errors made by NL speaker. This is because the child overused the rule of past tense. EA can help the child to progress in leaning the NL by classifying the errors. However, there is no clear path to understand about the child linguistic behavior because the child already knew the rule of regular verb tense but not irregular verb tense. The second example happens because of cross linguistic error. The learners have knowledge in plural rule but due to difference between languages and NL interference, the rule is generalized and error occurs. Conclusion As conclusion, both CAH and EA have their own strength and weaknesses. The analysis of the sentence is important in order to detect error or to notify the progress of the second language learners. However, CAH and EA cannot work alone. For the sake of the language learners, these analyses should be worked hand in hand in order to improve the quality of the target language learners.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Academic Qualification Ensures Success in Life Essay
The definition of success differs from person to person and field to field. One could take economic success as a touchstone to label a person successful in life, ignoring his of her other failures, like divorce, health, inefficiency, etc. Others may look at a capacity for overcoming challenges, irrespective of what someone earns and the nature of their private life. So who is a successful person and who is a failure? Do school and college grades and examination results provide a way of predicting or ensuring future success? If that is true, then we should encourage as many young people as possible to go to university and work hard to gain formal qualifications. But is it true? Aren’t some college drop-outs like Bill Gates and Richard Branson hugely successful icons of success? And should we automatically consider the millions of young people who have not had the opportunity to gain academic certificates to be failures in life? Success never depends upon grades. If success and opportunities were measured by grades then the corporate world and potential marriage partners would not ask for biodata in resumes, where other qualifications are also mentioned. Nor would they interview the prospects in order to find out what they are like as people, rather they would give a blind appointment to the people with the best paper qualifications. So qualifications alone are never enough, success depends upon physical characteristics, personality, and a willingness to work hard. Success is not getting a grade or a degree, if that was it then why aren’t all the graduates from Harvard, Oxford or Cambridge uniformly successful? The rule of success is hard work and destiny of course. If a student of engineering gets good grades but he is not practically effective in relationship-buildings and solving crises or proper planning, even though he may be successful in getting a job but it will not lead him far. On the way he is sure to fade out. If you look into a directory of successful people who are doctors, engineers and IT professionals, then you will notice that many of them dream to be employed by people like Bill Gates or Richard Branson, who are prosperous despite not having college degrees. In other words, prosperity does not depend upon academic qualifications but upon opportunities provided by entrepreneurs who may not be necessarily be highly educated. Successful entrepreneurs even benefit from not having academic qualifications, because going to college and taking examinations forces people to learn and think like millions of other graduates. This actually makes it less likely that they will come up with the truly mould-breaking insights and â€Å"disruptive†ideas on which successful innovations and new business models are built. Unfortunately the materialistic world has changed the concept of success. It has become a rat-race where every student chases grades and therefore the entire perception of success and prosperity has changed. Rather than studying to reach our full potential, we do it because we think it is necessary for a successful career. So we spend ten years in school and a few more years of our precious life in college to get educated, then more time is passed in hunting for jobs. Even after that we may find ourselves in the wrong profession and lacking job satisfaction. And then recession comes along, when we are told that our wealth has been blown away by the foolishness of expensive fat-salaried CEOs. Now comes a time when we go to work with a constant fear of losing the job we don’t enjoy. Is this the correct understanding of prosperity? So now the definition of success is changed. If you are able to save your job then you are successful! Can academic qualification stop us from becoming a civilization of drunkards, rapists and war-mongers, marked by broken families, domestic violence and crime? If you look at countries where the largest number of people have higher academic qualifications, they are the ones most affected by social breakdown. And would you call the conduct of the US wars on Iraq and Afghanistan a successful example of the superiority of the US economy and society? In fact true success is shown in having the moral courage to speak out against atrocities and injustice, showing generosity towards the poor, and respecting our parents. These are characteristics which are found in people from all social and educational backgrounds, but often absent in many educated Americans and Europeans, in spite of the universities they have been to and the grades they have achieved. Often academic qualifications have no real relevance to the jobs graduates are employed to do. A few decades ago employers in areas such as banking, engineering, management and government service recruited people straight from school at the age of 15 or 16, training them on the job and promoting them to higher levels of responsibility according to their ability. Today none of these jobs has changed very much, but all now require applicants have a university degree. Why has this changed? One reason is that the upper and middle classes are trying to protect their own jobs – demanding new recruits have expensive academic qualifications excludes many talented young people from poorer backgrounds.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Philippines Literature Essay
The diversity and richness of Philippine literature evolved side by side with the country’s history. Long before the Spaniards and other foreigners landed or set foot on Philippine shores, our forefathers already had their own literature stamped in the history of our race. Our ancient literature shows our customs and traditions in everyday life as traced in our folk stories, old plays and short stories. Our ancestors also had their own alphabet which was different from that brought by the Spaniards. –> LITERATURE: the body of oral and written works, text, books, poetry, etc. these are the several things that concern this subject. we have been exposed to literature ever since we were young. reading, writing, that’s what we do. but is this really the essence of literature? the time i realized that i was going to take up â€Å"Philippine Literature†this semester, i was rather a bit curios about what would be in store for me, for the whole class. our Literature instructor Ms. Dinah Laguna-Mission is very enthusiastic in teaching us. never came a time that i felt sleepy or bored during our lit. subject. she has a lively voice and pronunciation, lively gestures and the witty use of words were the things i looked forward to every time she came. at first, i expect that the subject content and the teaching method was just a repetition of what has been taught to us during high school. but i was wrong, the different genre of literature, different devices and ever famous figures of speech were the ones being taught to us. After all the experiences and new knowledge imparted to me, i realized that Literature is not only about just reading the stories, poems, riddles, etc. but either its understanding them deeply. i thank Ms. Mission for imparting this knowledge imparted to me and the whole class for making this journey bearable and truly enjoyable one. it was beyond doubt an accomplishment for us and so, even if i finish the subject Philippines Literature, the things i learned, the memories and experience will truly mo no matter what. ^_^
Friday, November 8, 2019
Baby making in humans essays
Baby making in humans essays There are some major differences between males in females in the way their sex cells are produced. In males this process occurs in seminiferous tubules. The females occurs in the ovaries, but are not fertilized there. The first difference is in cell division. The males cells divide in to two equally sized identical cells that are attached. The females cells are not the same size and unattached, one cell is larger than the other. The smaller cell is referred to as the polar body. There is no difference in crossing over between the two sexes, they both occur in Prophase I of meiosis. There is also no difference in the independent assortment of the cells, this occurs in metaphase of meiosis I in both sexes. In meiosis II the cells in both sexes divide a second time. The males cells divide again to form two equally sized cells adding up to a total of four cells. This process occurs in the female as well. The females larger cell will divide to form a polar body and a larger cell. This new large cell is the egg cell. The original polar body will either divide in to two more polar bodies or cease to exist. The female cell will create just one egg, while the male creates four sperm. Males will begin making sperm at puberty. They make trillions of sperm. Females begin making eggs much earlier. They begin making eggs before they are born! They have about 2 million eggs only a few months after they are born! However, this number is reduced to about 400,000 when they reach puberty. Another fascinating fact is that female eggs rest in prophase I much longer than the male sperm. Female eggs rest from birth until puberty. The one egg will complete meiosis I each month, but they dont go through metaphase II unless they are fertilized by a sperm. In males this whole cycle takes about 74 days. There are roughly 8 million genetic combinations in each egg and sperm after independent assortme...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Synonyms for Because - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog
Synonyms for Because - Proofread My Papers Academic Blog Synonyms for Because The word because is used to join two ideas and express cause and effect: The lemonade fizzed because we shook the bottle. However, if you find yourself overusing the word because, there are alternatives available. Were going to look at some here. Alternatives to Because Instead of because, you could use any of the following terms (although this may depend on the context). Consider using Since/As Used as conjunctions, these are the simplest alternatives to because. They often work as substitutes without having to change the rest of the sentence: The lemonade fizzed, since we shook the bottle. The lemonade fizzed, as we shook the bottle. Due To/On Account Of/As a Result Of These alternatives all require changing the sentence slightly. Here, for example, we need to use the term shaking rather than shook: The lemonade fizzed due to shaking the bottle. The lemonade fizzed on account of shaking the bottle. The lemonade fizzed as a result of shaking the bottle. Which Meant/Which Caused In these phrases, the sentence must be reversed, with the cause coming first: We shook the bottle, which meant that the lemonade fizzed. We shook the bottle, which made the lemonade fizz. In this version, we need to swap fizzed for the infinitive to fizz. We shook the bottle, which caused the lemonade to fizz. Using some of these alternatives will be a great way to show off your vocabulary. They will also vary the rhythm of your text and engage the reader much more, enhancing readability. Why Not to Use the Word Because Using a word repeatedly in a paper can make you seem unimaginative. It could also make your work dull to read. If you need help finding other words to use, or if you are not sure that you have used these words correctly, simply upload your document to be proofread within 24 hours!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Cause, effect and lessons learnt from the asian financial crises Research Paper
Cause, effect and lessons learnt from the asian financial crises - Research Paper Example In addition, the crisis brought doubts on the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) approach in its efforts to dealing with financial imbalances within the private financial markets. It is also clear that the financial crisis can be attributed to panic of local and foreign investors and its role in enhancing the situation (Noble and Ravenhill 2). The Asian economies were at the height of success due to their fast growth and immense gains on the living standards their populations enjoyed. They were basically experiencing sensible fiscal polies and even high rates in private saving which was enticing to the world. There was no prediction that these countries would ultimately fall suddenly into a deep financial crisis in the post war era. Many questions were raised by economists on the causes of the crisis and whether or not they became victims of their own accomplishment. The abundance success may be one of the reasons that also led to their down fall but it also shows that struct ural and policy misrepresentations among the countries in this region played a role in the crisis. The 1997 financial crisis is therefore, a combination of many factors including market over response, which led to a drop in exchange rates, property prices, and economic stability (Noble and Ravenhill 2). Causes of the Asian Financial Crisis The financial crisis in East Asian countries began immediately after the huge high savings and vigorous growth they enjoyed. Since the 1980s, this fast growth was followed by high increment in asset values, increasing property and stock prices, and even in some instances a growth in temporary borrowing from oversees. In the mid-1990s, a tremendous emergence of external shocks specifically the devaluation of major currencies largely impacted export returns. This meant a decline in economic growth as property prices increased in most Asian economies. The devaluation of the currencies begun in Thailand after the decline of the Thai Bhat and this made investors to lose confidence in the Asian markets. The events in Thailand forced many investors to reassess their lending and evaluate the robustness of the region’s currency. This led to a huge wave of currency depreciations while stock, asset and market fell starting with Southeast Asian and then followed closely by the entire region. The year that followed the devaluation of the currency, most of the affected currencies fell as low as 35% to 83% against the United States dollar. There were even records of serious fallout as big as 40% to 60% decline against the U.S. dollar and the Asian financial crisis became a reality (Noble and Ravenhill 2). In Southeast Asia, there was record of capital inflows in the major East Asian upcoming economies that grew from 150 billion U.S dollars in the 1980s to 320 billion U.S dollars in the early 1990s. Private companies were doing excessive borrowing form the foreign capital economies mostly for short-term needs instead of looking for l ong-term earnings for productive security. The main capital inflows were meant for bank loans and even direct immediate foreign investments (Matsumoto 4). The huge capital flows resulted in increase in prices especially for non-tradable goods while the abundant foreign investment caused the currency to appreciate but decreased
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Importance of Performance Related Pay in Motivating Employees Research Proposal
The Importance of Performance Related Pay in Motivating Employees - Research Proposal Example There has been several studies on the same topic; however, the findings are varied. Nonetheless, most of the researches that investigated the same area revealed that in longer run performance-related pay (PRP) is not motivating for the employees (Boachie-Mensah and Dogbe, 2011; Forest, 2008; Marsden et al., 2000; Perry et al, 2009). The researches quoted the reason for demotivating effects of PRP as biased appraisal systems and its effects on employees who are not benefited from PRP techniques. These findings are accomplished by several researchers but PRP is still in practice which indicates that there must be something behind this technique that motivates employers to use it in their organisations. These differences in theory and practice indicate a need to link PRP techniques for employee motivation with entire compensation system (practises) to ensure its positive effects are realised. The underpinning issue identified by this study is that how PRP can be integrated into the compensation system in a way that it works as a motivational tool for the workforce. The findings from other research studies that guide the stance of this study are stated below; Based on these findings it cannot be said directly that PRP is not motivating but it can be said that fair appraisal systems may help motivate employees and encourage them to achieve the set standard. This study explores how the issues identified by the research in PRP can be tackled and how it can be used as a strong motivation tool. The guiding statement for this research is that PRP is motivating however there should be elements that needs to be integrated if performance related pay is to be used as a motivational tool. Now the question is what elements can make PRP motivational for employees. Perry et al (2009) suggested that in order to make PRP work, it is important to focus on robust
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